The Advanced Placement program is a highly academic international program which was established by the College Board in It is currently administered by the College Board and taught at local high schools. AP allows students to participate in university-level courses and possibly earn university credits while still in high school. Secondary schools and universities cooperate in this program to give students the opportunity to show mastery in university-level courses by taking the AP exam. YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING INSPIRED BY JESUS 2 What is Advanced Placement?
YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING INSPIRED BY JESUS 3 The College Board sets up the curriculum and organizes the examinations AP course descriptions and exams are developed by committees composed of university professors and experienced AP teachers There are approximately 38 AP courses offered by the College Board In Canada (2014), 17,410 students wrote 26,678 AP Exams In Canada (2014), 571 high schools ran AP Programs In May 2015, 2.5 million students wrote 4.5 million AP Examinations worldwide What is AP? Continued…
Students who are self-directed and enjoy hard work Students who consistently achieve outstanding academic results (Level 4+) Students who are intellectually curious and critical thinkers Students who show a high degree of interest and motivation Students who like to analyze, derive, probe, abstract, investigate and create YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING INSPIRED BY JESUS 4 Description of a Successful Advanced Placement Learner
Students who are identified as gifted learners through the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) process Students who are not identified as “gifted,” but who are consistently achieving Level 4+ results in Mathematics, English, Science, Geography and History as indicated on their Grade 7 and current Grade 8 report cards Students who have excellent Learning Skills and Work Habits as indicated on their report cards Description of a Successful Advanced Placement Learner Continued…
Alongside like-minded students, AP offers a rich, rigorous, and thoughtful university level curriculum Increase eligibility for scholarships Universities look favourably on students who take AP courses Former AP students speak of their easy transition from high school to university owing to the strong academic skills, knowledge, and academic confidence gained through participation in the AP program Students do not have to write the AP examination The main objective of the course is to provide students with an excellent preparation for University YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING INSPIRED BY JESUS 6 Advantages of AP
Students who successfully complete an AP examination have the opportunity to receive university credit or advanced standing depending on the policy of the specific university. Some of the distinguished Canadian universities that recognize AP credits include: McGill University Ryerson University University of Toronto University of Ottawa University of Waterloo Queen’s University Western University York University
The AP curriculum and the Ontario High School curriculum overlap to a very large extent Students in Pre AP courses complete Academic (9/10) or University (11/12) curriculum with appropriate extensions designed to prepare the student for writing the AP exams Preparation for the exams are built into the program from Grades 9-12 YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING INSPIRED BY JESUS 8 Alignment of AP with the Ontario Curriculum
Mathematics (MFM1DY) English (ENG1DY) Science (SNC1DY) Geography (CGC1DY) Courses are designated with a “Y” in order to identify that it is an AP course YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING INSPIRED BY JESUS 9 The Grade 9 Pre-AP Program
YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING INSPIRED BY JESUS 10 Curriculum Extensions Depth of Materials Opportunities for further skills development Breadth of Materials Additional Content drawn from the next course in sequence or from the AP curriculum
YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING INSPIRED BY JESUS 11 Assessment and Evaluation Students will be evaluated according to the Ministry’s assessment and evaluation policy documents Students will be evaluated on the appropriate grade level curriculum i.e. students in Grade 9 will be evaluated on the Grade 9 Ontario curriculum The examination for these students will parallel the structure and outcomes of the regular Academic or University Level course and will reflect the differentiated content of the Pre AP/AP course Eg. The ENG1DY exam will have the same structure and outcomes as the ENG1D1 exam but will be based on reading materials covered in the ENG 1DY course
AP SCORING: Each AP Exam written is in grade 12 grade and is a weighted combination of the student’s scores on the multiple-choice section and the free-response section. The final grade is reported on a 5-point scale: 5 = extremely well qualified 4 = well qualified 3 = qualified 2 = possibly qualified 1 = no recommendation * The AP College Board Examination Fee is $92 U.S. YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING INSPIRED BY JESUS 12 AP Exam Score
AP college board website is: The site also links to specific websites for students & parents Provides information regarding AP exams, AP course outlines and resources, AP colleges/universities credit policy, research regarding student achievement and the AP on-line registration YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: COLLABORATIVE LEARNING INSPIRED BY JESUS 13 For Additional Information
A Canadian website is Lists the credits granted by specific Universities in Canada The schools participating in the AP program Data regarding the participation of students throughout Canada For Further Additional Information...
Submission of completed application form by: Friday December 11 th 2015 Copy of final Grade 7 and most recent Grade 8 report cards Students identified as gifted through the IPRC Process will have a direct entry to the AP program but are required to complete the application package Level 4+ results in Mathematics, English, History, Geography & Science Excellent Learning Skills and Work Habits: Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative & Self Regulation $50 application fee (non-refundable) $150 annual enhancement fee Admission Criteria