One of the most important things in your body is your muscles. If you did not have your muscles you would not be able to open your mouth, speak, hold or shake hands, walk, talk or move food through the digestive system. Did you know that on an average scale 40% of your body weight is your muscles? The human body has over 630 muscles that help you move. If you thought muscles could push, your wrong because they pull.
All of the cells that create your muscles contract and then release its tension and come back to original size. You do not need your muscles to blink because your eyes are automatic. Your face has over thirty facial muscles. Your eye muscles move more than 100,000 times a day, that’s why they are the busiest muscles in your body. The largest muscle in your body is the gluteus maximus which is located in your buttocks. Your muscle cells use chemical energy from the food you eat.
Without your bones you would be a pile of guts and skin on the floor. The structure of your back bone helps you stand up straight. Adults have only 206 bones in their body. You are born with 300 bones, and when you grow older some connect to form less. Your skull protects your brain just like a helmet protects your head. Your muscles are needed to pull on bones so you will be able to move.
Your muscles are attached to many different bones. When your muscles contract the bones they are connected to move like leavers and cause several body parts to move. Your joints provide flexibility to your body Other joints such as the shoulder allow your arms to move 360 degrees like a helicopter blade. Your hand has about 27 bones. Your face have about 14 bones. The longest bone in your body is your thigh bone. The stirrup is the smallest bone located in your ear
Humans and giraffes have the same amount of bones in their neck. There is over 230 movable and semi- movable joints in your body.