Skeletal system. By: Tyler Dawson.
The systems purpose. The skeletal system’s purpose is to give the body its shape and support. Without this system, your body would basically useless.
How it works with other systems. The skeletal system works with many different systems throughout the body, such as the muscular system. It works with this system by giving the muscles to attach to and move, therefore giving your body movement. It also works with the excretory and respiratory systems by keeping there organs safe from impact.
Fun facts. The size of the smallest bone in the body is about the size of a rice grain. Of the 206 bones in the body, 56 of them make up our feet Our bones are six times stronger than steel if both are the same weight.
Sources. Fun facts: Images: biw=1067&bih=513&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=google +images&oq=g&aq=1&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_l=img.1.1.0l l61114l0l63755l5l5l0l0l0l0l160l6 59l0j5l5l0.frgbld. biw=1067&bih=513&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=google +images&oq=g&aq=1&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_l=img.1.1.0l l61114l0l63755l5l5l0l0l0l0l160l6 59l0j5l5l0.frgbld Skeletal system facts: m
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