What is human resource management? Why do you think it is important for all companies and organizations to have an HR department?
The process of attracting qualified persons to apply for jobs that are open Two main types of recruiting: - internal - external
Considering present employees as candidates for openings Promotion from within can help build morale and keep high-quality employees from leaving
Involves attracting people outside the organization to apply for jobs Job postings on the internet are impersonal Job fairs are ideal because they are more personal because candidates and recruiters can talk face to face
Internal Searches Employee Leasing Employee Referrals School Placement Recruitment Sources Temp Services Advertisements Employment Agencies
Step 1: Using Application Forms Step 2: Interviewing the Applicant Step 3: Checking References and Other Background Information Step 4: Testing the Applicant Step 5: Physical Examinations
To collect background data Key selection criteria may be used to find an applicant with the best fit to the job Address specific skills and experiences that have the greatest impact on performance Does not need to be elaborate or lengthy
To get some idea of the applicant’s personality, intelligence, and job knowledge This should not be the only step in the selection process Applicant’s should be interviewed by two or more individuals in order to minimize errors in judgment
Check with former employers, school authorities, and other references can help avoid hiring mistakes Checking the applicant’s background for a criminal record might have prevented this unfortunate occurence
Many jobs have performance testing – to verify speed, accuracy, typing, etc. Some agencies use testing as part of the screening process Useful tests must meet the criteria of validity and reliability - validity: the extent to which a test assesses true job performance ability - reliability: the extent to which a test is consistent in measuring job performance ability
Primary purpose: to evaluate the ability of applicants to meet the physical demands of specific jobs Must avoid discriminating against those who are physically disabled Make arrangements with a local doctor or clinic to perform physical examinations
1) You will be researching the recruitment process for 2 jobs - 1 part-time job - 1 career (use the list from the quizzes from the other day) 2) You will need to tell me the following: - What steps of the recruitment process (if any) do they use? - How does someone apply for a job with this company? - How long does the process usually take? 3) Which step do you believe is the most important for the recruitment process and why?