Substance Abuse Lesson 1 – Drug Use
Depressant A drug that slows the body down Doctors sometimes prescribe depressants to help people become less anxious, tense, or angry. Depressants relax muscles and make people feel very sleepy or as if they have a stuffy head.
Stimulant A drug that speeds up a person’s body and brain. Stimulants usually make a person high and give them energy. When the effects of the stimulant wear off, a person will feel tired or sick.
Inhalants A group of products that include hair spray, spray paint and gasoline. They contain chemicals that can stop or slow nerve activity in the brain. Over a long period of time, they can break down brain cells and make them unable to transmit messages.
Hallucinogens A class of drugs that cause hallucinations—changes in a person’s view of reality. People on hallucinogens often report rapid, intense emotional swings and seeing images, hearing sounds, and feeling things that seem real but are not.
Medicine A drug that helps the body. Over-the-Counter: Products that can be bought without a prescription Prescription Medicine: Products that cannot be sold without a doctor’s prescription.
What is addiction? Addiction: a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)
How Does Addiction Work?
Recap What category do each of the following drugs fall in? (Stimulants, Depressants, Inhalants, Hallucinogens, Medicines) Cocaine Heroin Tobacco Caffeine Alcohol PCP Meth LSD Marijuana