LIDAR Originally Delivered to AIMS as: –LAS files –Intensity Images
LIDAR Nearly a billion points for the county. Approximate spacing is 1.4 meters feet) Purchase as part of planimetrics
LIDAR Surface product from DDR includes –LIDAR generated as CSV text files –Breaklines ( ) as Autocad DWG
LIDAR Visit the LIDAR FAQ and Getting Started pages.pages Possible uses: –Earthwork estimation –Floodplain analysis –Hydraulic modeling –Contour Generation
LIDAR – examples
LIDAR – additional products AIMS has generated a 9.2 terrain and several rasters: DEM, hillshade, slope, aspect. Could easily export TINS from Terrain. LAS format. Currently these products are by request only since they are not readable by Autocad.
DEM and Slope
Demonstration. Have you used it for a project? Was it helpful? How did you use it?
LIDAR Would you find another format more useful? –Grid? –DEM? –Raster? How can we make your process more streamline?