DUE DATES February 17: Policy Memo #1 March 3: Analysis of Readings March 10: Policy Memo #2
ON THE READINGS Careful reading of 3-6 papers or chapters Within one topic or across topics (explain choices) Not a summation or “book report” Explore assumptions (sometimes hidden), use of methods, policy implications, overall persuasiveness 8-10 double-spaced pages
INITIAL THOUGHTS ON POLICY MEMOS Imagine yourself as consultant to a Latin American government (or corporation or other suitable entity) Identify a policy challenge or “problem” Evaluate policy alternatives Present a clear recommendation Explain reasons for policy choice, including anticipated consequence (or “outcome”)
THERE’S NOTHING LIKE INFORMATION! See memo on IR/PS formats Length: 3 pages (single-spaced) Double space between paragraphs One-inch margins Size 12 font (Times New Roman)
FORMAT FOR MEMOS Header (to, from, date, subject) Executive Summary Your whole memo in one paragraph (written last) Issue, analysis, solution (that is, the recommendation) “You can have the most brilliant policy recommendation, but if your executive summary is terrible, it will go unread.” Background Relevant information only, summing nature of problem and public response Analysis Examination of possible policy options Listing with pros and cons Recommendation State recommendation in one sentence. Explain reasoning as necessary Present action plan if appropriate.
ON WRITING Use headings as appropriate Keep sentences short (<3 lines, preferably <2) Avoid passive voice Remember audience: You are persuading someone to do something he/she is not now doing. The reader has interests as well as authority. Time for your memo is 1-2 minutes. Do not appeal to altruism alone. Focus (if indirectly) on interests.
ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS Careful about recipient/addressee Strike a tone of level-headed moderation Executive Summary (to be written last) Background (only relevant information) Analyis: policy options (with pros and cons) Recommendation: Who is supposed to do what? Not only direction or content of policy, but process as well. Write and rewrite… and rewrite again…