Monroe L. Weber-Shirk S chool of Civil and Environmental Engineering NYC Watersheds
Overview Quantity of water needed by NYC Potential sources of water ______________ _____________ History of NYC water supply wells Croton Catskills/Delaware groundwater ocean streams rainfall
NYC Watersheds: Introduction NYC needs 61 m 3 /s How much land is needed to deliver that much water? How do you choose which land to use for watersheds?
NYC Water Supply Strategy Quantity Quality Altitude Proximity Choose streams to meet 4 criteria _________ Build dams on streams to provide storage (reservoirs) Build aqueducts to carry the water from the reservoirs to NYC
Land Area Required for NYC Watersheds (The Big Picture) Where does the water in the streams come from?___________ How could we estimate the average stream flow? ______________________ Precipitation Rain gage Direct stream measurements Rooftop rain catchment system analogy
Hydrologic Cycle
Data Requirements for Predicting Stream Flows Precipitation Will need to use rain gage data from site close by US climate data Evaporation/Transpiration Evaporation data may be available for lakes Evaporation and Transpiration are strongly affected by Type of vegetation Ground cover Temperature Wind Season
Annual Precipitation at Poughkeepsie NY Snow year (July to June)
Annual Precipitation at Poughkeepsie NY Precipitationcm Lowest year: 66 First quartile: 92 Median: 106 Third quartile: 115 Highest year: 137 Mean: 103 For comparison, Binghamton’s mean precipitation is 94 cm/year 40 year record
Land Area Required for NYC Watersheds: Detail Approach Measure the stream flow over time in potential watersheds United States Geological Survey USGS home page The National Atlas of the United States of America Calculate the annual water yield per watershed area (cm/year)
Stream Flow Vs. Precipitation Snow year (July to June) Walton, NY Poughkeepsie
Why is Correlation Between Precipitation and Stream Flow so Poor? Stations are too far apart Evapo-transpiration changes with land use Time lag between precipitation and stream flow
Stream Flow vs. Precipitation Estimates for the Catskills 60% ground water flow Approximately _____ of the rainfall leaves the watershed as stream flow The majority of the remaining rainfall leaves the watershed as transpiration/evaporation A small amount of water leaves the watershed as _________________
Annual Stream Flow at Walton NY Stream Flow(cm/yr) Lowest year:27 First quartile:53 Median:58 Third quartile:70 Highest year:92 Mean:60 Stream Flow(cm/yr) Lowest year:27 First quartile:53 Median:58 Third quartile:70 Highest year:92 Mean:60
Drought Year Watershed Sizing Estimate the Watershed size required for NYC based on: 61 m 3 /s demand Drought-year stream flow of 27 cm/yr = 7130 km 2 (flow rate - Q) (Velocity - V) (Area - A) ^ Q=VA A=Q/V
Analysis Assumptions Reservoirs can store water to even out flow throughout a year We assumed drought intensity is same in all NYC watersheds We assumed all watersheds have same drought ___________ What about NYC’s ability to ____________ __________ during a drought? stream flows reduce water consumption
Where Can NYC Get Its Water?
NYC Watersheds: Croton and Catskill Croton system (1842) 12 reservoirs and 3 controlled lakes 960 km 2 of watershed _____ of the City’s drinking water Catskill system (1927) 2 source reservoirs 1461 km 2 of watershed _____ of the City’s drinking water 10% 40%
NYC Watersheds: Delaware and Total system Delaware system (1965) 4 source reservoirs 2585 km 2 of watershed _____ of the City’s drinking water Total System 5000 km 2 of watershed our estimate: 7130 km 2 50% MAP
Summary We found how much land NYC needs to supply their water based on stream flow data We found where the land is located and saw where the reservoirs are located Coming up… How big do the reservoirs have to be to provide adequate storage? How does the water get from the reservoirs to NYC?
NY Map
NYC Watersheds
Pepacton Schoharie Ashokan Neversink Rondout Cannonsville Catskill/Delaware Watersheds