The Royal Toaster Tasha S. Hart Robert Walker Tony Mathis James Dres
Objective This device is meant to start a toaster without anyone actually touching the toaster. We used tubing and wooded tracks to guide a marble into colliding with dominos, which should then lead to another action and eventually make some sort of weight hit the handle of the toaster.
Manual Toaster Starter Materials Mostly Scrap: (wood, nails, glue, etc) Mostly Scrap: (wood, nails, glue, etc) Toaster: Owned by member Toaster: Owned by member String: $0.47 String: $0.47 Toy truck: $0.97 Toy truck: $0.97 Pop Tarts: $2.98 Pop Tarts: $2.98 Marbles: $2.00 Marbles: $2.00 Dominos: Owned by member Dominos: Owned by member
Difficult Tasks and Setbacks Major Setback: Indecisive about which appliance to use as primary device Trial and Error with angles and heights Time Conflicts with team members and available facility Difficult Tasks Determining each step Finding the perfect weight Getting the device to work
Conclusion A Rube Goldberg device is not easy to create Ideas sound great, but are rarely thought out The easiest thing to create was conservation of linear momentum (collisions) Gain and Loss of Energy come naturally with motion