EMR detector lying beam-face up in Geneva workshop
EMR detector closed on its supports
Events from the cosmic run in EMR: top: x and y views of digital readout. There are two tracks! middle: the time over threshold readout (approximate pulse height: these are mips. (muons) bottom: time readout: clearly there is a red track and a blue track at different times.
a simple cosmic track
a more tilted single track
probably a low energy particle (lots of scattering)
several tracks at once, ‘a cosmic air shower’
another air shower
Event with a high energy photon
a more complicated one
a big splash
a decay?
EMR group :Etam, François, Ruslan, Alain and Yordan
Tuesday 24 September: loaded on the truck!
EMR installed in step IV position in the MICE hall
29 September -- EMR in the hall on its joint trolley with KL
2 October EMR is fully cabled
nominal MICE beam direction An Oxfordshire cosmic!
nominal MICE beam direction muon stop and decay (decay product at different time from primary)
nominal MICE beam direction Another muon stop and decay -- entering from the beam face now ready for beam!