“Shoe Repair”
Your design can be any style, any colors, rocket- powered or running on Pure Love. Whatever you want, but you must create a NEW shoe that does NOT yet exist, a unique marketing approach all your own. Your First Project Create a Shoe Ad
●Your Shoe Design – ■Slogan – ■Name – ■Logo – ●Z Shape ●No Copyrighted Imagery ●Must reflect the nature of the subject in a positive manner and must be school appropriate. Your ad must contain:
IB Criterion B Developing Skills
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Notice the “Z” Shape. English speakers read left to right. Advertisers know this…
Notice the “Z” Shape. English speakers read left to right. Advertisers know this…
Where’s the Z Shape?
Is there a Z Shape?
Does this have a Z shape?
Is this a good ad? Why or why not?
It this a good ad? Why or why not?
Is this a good ad? Why or why not?
What Shape do you see here?
It this a good ad? Why or why not?
It this a good ad? Why or why not?
It this a good ad? Why or why not?
It this a good ad? Why or why not?
It this a good ad? Why or why not?
What shapes do you see in this Ad?