To Kill a Mockingbird Review Finch FactsOnly in Maycomb Courage and Cowardice Famous QuotesLife’s Lessons 10 20 30 40 50.


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Presentation transcript:

To Kill a Mockingbird Review Finch FactsOnly in Maycomb Courage and Cowardice Famous QuotesLife’s Lessons

Scout’s Cousin Who is Francis?

What does Jem want to be when he grows up? A lawyer or a football player

Insert Text for Question Category 1 – 30 points What do Jem and Scout make when it snows? A snowman made of dirt and snow

Insert Text for Question Category 1 – 40 points What does Alexandra want Atticus do about Calpurnia? She wants Atticus to fire Calpurnia.

Insert Text for Question Category 1 – 50 points How does Aunt Alexandra show her good side? She is concerned about Atticus after the trial. She is worried that he is tired

Insert Text for Question Category 2 – 10 points Why does Dalphus Raymond pretend to drink liquor out of the brown bag? He is giving the people of Maycomb an excuse for his life style.

Insert Text for Question Category 2 – 20 points What does the death of the rabid dog, Tim Johnson, symbolize? Atticus trying to rid Maycomb of racism.

Insert Text for Question Category 2 – 30 points Why is Mrs. Dubose courageous? She overcame her addiction.

Insert Text for Question Category 2 – 40 points Why does Mr. Radley keep Boo inside? He is very religious and believes that any pleasure is sin.

Who does Tom Robinson’s wife work for after the trial? Text for Question Category 2 – 50 points Link Deas

Insert Text for Question Category 3 – 10 points What theme is represented in the following quote? “Walking toward the office, Dill and I fell into step behind Atticus and Jem. Loss of innocence.

Insert Text for Question Category 3 – 20 points What did Atticus save from Mrs. Maudie’s house during the fire? Her rocking chair.

Insert Text for Question Category 3 – 30 points Why does Miss Caroline offer Walter Cunningham money? Because she doesn’t understand the ways of Maycomb

Insert Text for Question Category 3 – 50 points Why does Maudie only make two small cakes and one big cake towards the end of the novel? Because Jem is growing up and now he is able to eat from the big cake.

Insert Text for Question Category 3 – 40 points Who fixes Jem’s pants? Boo Radley

Insert Text for Question Category 4 – 10 points Who said, “Tree’s dying. You plug ‘em with cement when they’re sick.” Mr. Radley

Insert Text for Question Category 4 – 20 points Who says, “Grandma says it’s bad enough he lets you all run wile, but now he’s turned out a nigger-lover we’ll never be able to walk the streets of Maycomb agin.” Francis

Insert Text for Question Category 4 – 30 points Who says, It’s like bein’ a caterpillar in a cocoon, that’s what it is…like somethin’ asleep wrapped up in a warm place. I always thought Maycomb folks were the best folks in the world, least that’s what I thought” Jem

Insert Text for Question Category 4 – 40 points Who says, “Hush your mouth! Don’t matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house’s yo comp’ny” Calpurnia

Insert Text for Question Category 4 – 50 points Who said, “That’s the difference between America and Germany….Over here we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced. Prejudice.” Miss Gates

Insert Text for Question Category 5 – 10 points In what way is the conflict Man vs. Society present in the novel? Maycomb is upset with Atticus for doing his best while defending a black man.

Insert Text for Question Category 5 – 20 points In what ways does Mrs. Dubose show the the co-existence of good and evil? She is racist, but she was able to overcome her addiction.

Insert Text for Question Category 5 – 30 points Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird? Mockingbirds do not harm anyone. They are innocent creatures.

Insert Text for Question Category 5 – 40 points What does Scout discover about Boo Radley in the end of the novel? He was quiet and shy.

Insert Text for Question Category 5 – 50 points What does Uncle Jack learn about parenting after he talked with Scout? That it is difficult, and he doesn’t want to have children.