Preparing your accreditation documents Accreditation 104
Your job as a coordinator Provide EVIDENCE that you are meeting 100% of the HIPPY Accreditation Standards. Show off what a GREAT JOB you are doing. Learn and grow! Continue to provide excellent services to families.
Remember: An accurate self assessment is your BEST TOOL for preparing for accreditation! Completing your self-assessment
Preparing for your visit: Complete self assessment Use checklists in addition to the accreditation worksheet to determine: Can an outsider look at your documents and VERIFY that you are meeting 100% of the standards? Can an outsider attend your staff meetings, home visits, and group meetings and VERIFY that you are following the HIPPY model?
Completing your self-assessment Fill in all the blanks (If we didn’t want it we wouldn’t ask for it) and make notes if necessary Use accurate numbers. If you serve 50 children, write 50 children, even if ETO reports show different numbers. Use accurate numbers. If you serve 22 families, write 22 families, even if ETO reports show different numbers. These numbers should add up to the total number of children above. ETO shows 146 families instead of 150. Add notes if necessary
Fill in all the blanks (If we didn’t want it we wouldn’t ask for it) This information must be fully completed. Have team members sign this portion of the worksheet to verify that they participated. Your Trainer needs this information to complete your Accreditation Report. Completing your self-assessment This is the name that will be put on your accreditation certificate.
Fill in all the blanks (If we didn’t want it we wouldn’t ask for it) Check here on each item if your self assessment team found sufficient evidence or insufficient evidence. If there is still time, you can fix items that are missing. If there are special circumstances or accommodations that you have, put them here. This will help the Trainer determine if you meet the standard or not. Completing your self-assessment 2. We have had a large number of new families enroll recently, New curriculum packet have been ordered. A receipt from Connelly is attached.
Remember… If you are following the HIPPY model and have DOCUMENTED that, you have nothing to worry about. Your Trainer is there to VERIFY that you are meeting the standards…and/or to SUPPORT you in better understanding what is expected.
This document can be found at:
This item will be verified by your Trainer and does not need to be added. This item is listed several place, you can put them here or put a note telling the trainer where to find them. 2 HV observations for each HV are filed under ‘Coordinator 2’
Any/all missing pull pages need to be documented with a note.
If more than 10% of your visits take place outside of the home, you must apply for an adaptation. cure_docs/pdf/AppendixDA daptations.pdf Check your files! We are looking for 100%!
Parent Survey Summaries should be used to determine the schedule of topics that you will offer at group meetings. Your trainer must see a SUMMARY of the responses. If you have not used these surveys to plan meetings in the past document how YOU WILL do this in the future. Be sure to include notes and documentation on who you rake how you make meetings accessible to parents.
Transcripts and diplomas all look different. Highlight the degree conferred or the specific classes taken so that your Trainer can see them easily.
Evaluations must be comprehensive. A sample can be found in the library under Home Visitor Evaluation Documents.* rg/secure_docs/pdf/C omprehensive%20Eva luation%20Form.pdf
If programs have used observations only and not completed a comprehensive performance evaluations in the past, they can complete 1 comprehensive evaluation (for each HV) within the next month (April 1) and one before the end of the program year (June 1) along with submitting a plan that documents how/when they will complete comprehensive evaluations three times a year in the future in order to meet this standard. If programs have only completed 1 comprehensive performance evaluation this year, they can submit the second one (for each HV) by the end of the program year (June 1) along with submitting a plan that documents how/when they will complete comprehensive evaluations three times a year in the future in order to meet this standard. *More on Coordinator #2…
HIPPY USA does not need to know why HVs were absent from meetings but do need to know that YOU are aware of who is attending and who isn’t.
How do you determine that a HV has the characteristics of the community if they aren’t a HIPPY parent? Make notes so your Trainer will know.
If you don’t have a proposed budget document why. How are you involved in the budgeting process? Does your funder do all budgeting? Explain.
How can you document that you are full-time? Do you have a contract that state that? Is it in your handbook or job description?
How can you organize these documents so that the Trainer can easily see that each HV has 15 hours?
If you have a waiver, provide a copy of it. If you don’t have it, contact Natha Jolly to get a copy. *Arkansas programs have a blanket waiver and do not need to include a copy. Please make a note. Arkansas waiver on file at HUSA office.
How can you document how mane children are in your program and how many weeks they have completed?
In the end, remember to: