Road Trip Across the United States
How Great Are Sports!?!
Students will get into groups of five Within the group each student will pick a city in the United States Students will answer the questions about each city (on the next slide) When all data is collected students will create a poster/map of the United States, placing each city in the correct geographic location. When placing the cities on the map students will also draw each teams logo in its given city. When the map is finished the group will decide which city to start the road trip in to map out the road trip. After deciding the order you will be traveling research how far you must travel to each city. Road Trip!
What are five major sport cities that include..(Baseball, Football, Hockey, Basketball)? When did that team originate? What are the teams mascots/logos? What are the names of the Stadiums? When were the stadiums built? How many championship titles has each team won? Road trip to the top 5 sports cities in America!
Draw a map of the United States. Either trace or free hand to the best of your ability. Estimate each cities location by looking at a smaller map of the United States. Be sure to use color and be creative when mapping out your trip to each city When mapping the road trip mark a line to be traveled to each city and research how far it is between each city. Creating Your Map
1.) 17.A.2b Use maps and other geographic representations and instruments to gather information about people, places and environments. 2.) 17.A.3a Explain how people use geographic markers and boundaries to analyze and navigate the Earth (e.g., hemispheres, meridians, continents, bodies of water). 3.) 17.A.3b Explain how to make and use geo-graphic representations to provide and enhance spatial information including maps, graphs, charts, models, aerial photographs, satellite images. 4.) 17.C.3a Explain how human activity is affected by geographic factors. 5.) 17.D.3a Explain how and why spatial patterns of settlement change over time. 6.) 17.D.3b Explain how interactions of geo-graphic factors have shaped present conditions. ILLINOIS STATE STANDARDS
Students will be evaluated on the ability to answer questions using their research skills. Students will be evaluated on interpreting geography. Students will also be evaluated on how they work in groups. Students will be evaluated on creativity. Evaluation
The group has finally made it home! I'm happy to see how far you have traveled across the United States. I hope that you were able to find the professional teams that you planned on seeing, and maybe you have a new favorite team!!! Welcome Home
Who has owned each professional team? Go on to ESPN and compare the records of the different teams in each sport. Watch a professional sport that you normally do not watch and write a reflection about what you saw. Go back to the cities you researched and figure out the fastest away to go to all the cities and back home. Go back and do the same activity only with colleges instead of professional teams. Other Possible Questions…
Sports Teams of Chicago Cubs SoxBulls BearsBlack Hawks
References For Further Studies