Trainer Workshop 21/1/15 Business items Updates
ECGPTP – on Twitter
RCGP overwhelmed No more places for 2015 Those on list given priority for 2016 Will circulate for interest in late 2015 Opportunity to observe CSA
Opportunity to sit in on CSA
ECGPT Conference Dates for your diary; 20 th 21 st May 2015 Castle Inn
CEPS/DOPS - who can sign them GP Trainers Non GP Trainers in Training Practices Doctors in speciality training posts ST4 or above. Staff Grades, Appropriate nursing staff To meet this requirement the member of staff must have themselves been trained in the procedure they are observing, and perform the procedure as part of their day to day work. e.g. a) Health Care assistant may be able to observes the DOPs for application of a simple dressing/ testing for blood glucose, but could not do rectal examination etc. b) A Practice nurse may be able to observe the DOPs cervical cytology if they are trained in this procedure. c) A gastroenterology nurse specialist may be able to observe the DOPs for Rectal exam. d) A Urology Nurse specialist may be able to observe the DOPs for male and female genital examination and prostate examination e) A Midwife may be able to observe the DOPs for Cervical cytology and Female examination f) An Oncology nurse specialist or MacMillan Nurse may be able to observe the DOPs for Breast Examination. Consultants Consultation Observation
TPD Session Advert will shortly circulated Closing date 30 th January 2015
Next Trainer Workshop 11 th February TBC ?CEPS