Overton Park Neighborhood Association General Topics Safety Pollution and Noise Drill sites Compressor sites Road Use Neighborhood benefits Individual benefits others Lease Terms Bonus per acre Royalty Primary Term Pooling Royalty deductions Horizontal Severance Top Leasing others
Park Hill Gas Leasing Terms IssueChesapeake/Four Sevens EXT/FW Energy Primary Term3 years (&2)4 years (&2) Bonus per Acre$15,000 Bonus for Streets/AlleyNot AddressedYes Royalty25% (&3) Royalty DeductionsTaxes only Surface WaiverNo operations but gives ingress/ingress No operations within 600 ft. Compressor site1,000 ft. set back Shut-in fee per acre$25 (&3) Pooling640 plus 10% tolerance
Park Hill Gas Leasing Terms – cont. PARK HILL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION IssueChesapeake/Four Sevens EXT/FW Energy Noise Abatement&11 HOA contribution$15,000 pre 100 leases with $75,000 maximum $10,000 per 100 leases with $50,000 maximum Drill Site8 th Avenue site proposedNot restricted except for prohibition on 8 th Avenue Continuous operations&5 Proportionate reduction&7 Assignment by leasePermitted (&8)Permitted to XTO and otherwise with notice to Lesser (&8) Lessee's right to releasePermitted (&9) Horizontal severanceNot addressedYes (&9) Indemnity&13
Park Hill Gas Leasing Terms – cont. IssueChesapeake/Four Sevens XTO/FW Energy Top LeasingLessee -1 st right of refusal to match Permitted without restriction Notice to lessee and opportunity to cure Yes (&15)Not addressed Perpetual subsurface easement Yes (&16)Not addressed Lessor’s title warrantyGeneral warranty (&17)Warranty disclaimed (&15)
Resources Railroad Commission: City of Fort Worth: /info/default.aspx?id=30590 Fort Worth League Of Neighborhoods: Resources.htm Resources.htm