Accounting Page 313
Why? To measure the success of a business To assess performance To get loans from banks To plan ahead
Profit is what remains from revenue once costs have been deducted
Gross profit = Revenue or Sales – cost of goods sold Cost of goods sold= cost of manufacturing or purchasing the products that have been sold.
Net Profit = Gross profit – ( expenses + overheads) Net profit is a far more important measurement than gross profit because it included expenses.
Profit may be deemed not quality if it is a one off circumstance.
1. Gross Profit : Cost of sales = opening stock + purchases – closing stock 2. Operating Profit or Net Profit 3. Profit before taxation ( minus financing costs) 4. Profit after tax
Distributed Profit: used to pay shareholders in the form of dividends Retained Profit: re invest in the business
Assets: Fixed Assets: Assets that have a long term function and can be used repeatedly. The business keeps these for 1 year or more. Current Assets: These assets will be turned in cash before the next balance sheet.
Owners Capital: money invested into the business which is called capital or share capital for Ltd. Long term liabilities: paid back after at least 1 year Current Liabilities: paid back within 1 year.
Net current assets = current assets – current liabilities Capital = assets – liabilities Nets assets = total assets – total liabilities
Profitability Ratios Gross profit Margin= Gross profit / Revenue x 100 Net Profit Margin= Net profit / revenue x 100 Higher the margin the better. Increase sales revenue while keeping cost of sales the same Reduce the cost of sales
ROCE = Operating profit / Capital employed x 100 It shows how efficiently the business makes a profit from the funds invested in the business. Higher the better but remember to look at current interest rate and see whether the business has a higher ROCE than saving in a bank.
Current ratio = Current assets – current liabilities Ideal level is 1.5: 1 If for example it is low the business needs to get more money. Increase share capital get a loan Asset Test ratio = Current assets – stock / current liabilities Ideal situation is 1:1
Formula to calculate gross margin ratio: Gross Profit Margin Ratio = gross profit / sales. Gross margin ratio definition and explanation: Gross profit margin ratio is also called gross margin ratio. To calculate gross profit subtract cost of sales (variable costs) from sales. (i.e. gross profit = sales - cost of sales) A low gross profit margin ratio (or gross margin ratio) indicates that low amount of earnings, required to pay fixed costs and profits, are generated from revenues. A low gross profit margin ratio (or gross margin ratio) indicates that the business is unable to control its production costs. The gross profit margin ratio (or gross margin ratio) provides clues to the company's pricing, cost structure and production efficiency. The gross profit margin ratio (or gross margin ratio) is a good ratio to benchmark against competitors.