Satoko Horiyama MIURA Space Applications and Operations Center (SAOC) JAXA
2 Targets (JFY) Disasters & Resources Climate Change & Water Water Cycle Climate Change Greenhouse gases Phase A/B On orbit Mission status [Land and Disaster monitoring] Aqua/AMSR-E [Vegetation, aerosol, cloud, SST, ocean color] [Cloud and Aerosol 3D structure] [CO 2, Methane] TRMM/PR [Wind, SST, Water vapor] [Precipitation] [CO 2, Methane, CO] ALOS/PALSAR ALOS/PRISM AVNIR2 250m, multi-angle, polarization Phase C/D ALOS TRMM ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 GPM / DPR AquaGCOM-W / AMSR2 GOSATGOSAT-2 GCOM-C / SGLI EarthCARE / CPR JAXA Earth Observation Satellites JAXA Earth Observation Satellites
Resolution:1 arcsec (approx. 30m mesh) containing 1 deg. lat/long tile. Height accuracy:5 meters as standard deviation (1sigma) Composition DSM (Height above sea level, signed 16bit GeoTIFF) The calculated elevation value by average (AVE) and median (MED) when resampling from 5-meter mesh version. The nearest neighbor (NN) is considered in next version) Mask information file (8bit GeoTIFF, DN=0: Valid; 1: Clouds, snow and ice (invalid); 2: Land water and low correlation (valid); and 3: Sea) Stacked number file (8bit GeoTIFF, DN=number of stacking) Quality assurance Information (ASCII text, add information for 1 arcsec product to original 5-m mesh DSM information) Header file (ASCII text) Free of charge Registration needed Free of Charge Data download (ftp) is available after user registration.
The color images and the quicklook images of the geophysical data from the geostationary satellite of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Himawari-8 is now available. 4
GPM/DPR observation on September 9 th. 5
River bank was collapsed due to heavy rain. 6 About 13 km TKSC (WGISS-39 venue) ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 observation on September 10 th. Dark blue area = Possibly covered with water
JERS-1 data (JAXA archive data only) will become open and free by the end of October via G-Portal( *JERS-1 = (Japanese Earth Resources Satellite -1) Observation : February, 1992 – October, 1998 Instruments SAR : Resolution 18m OPS (VNIR & SWIR): Resolution 18m 7