Health and Safety
Positive effects of ICT on physical health and mental well being Friendship using social networking Easy to keep contact with friends and family far away Easier to access information and learn Exercise at home using Wii for fitness Helps monitoring health Helps get better paid and skilled Mobiles help keep in touch with others GPS technology to find location
Negative effects on physical health and mental well being ICT can contribute to obesity People can still access work 24/7 and that none stop working and cause stress Overuse of social networking Reparative strain injury from doing the same thing Joint pain from setting the same position for a long time Radio waves form digital devices Accident can cause by using mobile phones while driving
The impact of networks Teleworking – working from home Location in terms of share resources Research for projects online Shopping Crowd sourcing – collecting news and contributing to others sites contents
Explain how networks have changed the way information can be published Describe ways in which networks have an impact on society
Legislation DPA data protection Act – misuse of data held by range of organisation (ICT) Process fairly and lawfully For only specific purpose Adequate and relevant to the purpose Not to keep longer than necessary Respecting the right of people Not transferred outside EU
The computer Misuse Act – illegal access to files Software piracy by copying and distributing Planting a virus Hacking fraud
The Copyright, Designs and Patens Act – criminal offence to copy and distribute other peoples’ media work without licence
The Digital Economy Act – illegal downloading of media. ISPs allowed to collect information of offenders