Key Indicator #1—Access to Health & Dental Care CHS 1.1The Program engages parents in obtaining from a health care professional a determination of whether each child is up-to-date on a schedule of primary and preventive health care & assists parents in bringing their children up-to-date when necessary and keeping their children up-to-date are required. Federal Regulations: (a)(1)(ii) (a)(1)(ii)(A-B) (a)(2)
Questions What was the process the program uses to ensure all children have a determination (as to whether they are up-to-date) within 90 days of program entry? What tasks are involved in this process? How frequently are the tasks carried out? Who is responsible for carrying them out? If the child is not up-to-date, what steps does the grantee take? Who is responsible for these steps?
CHS 1.3The Program involves parents, consulting with them immediately when child health or developmental problems are suspected or identified and informing them immediately in the case of an emergency involving their children. Federal Regulations (e)(1) (a)(4) (c)
Teacher Interview Questions How and when does staff notify and consult with the parents of children when health and developmental problems are suspected or identified? What are the programs policies and procedures? How and when are parents contacted in the case of emergencies involving their children. What are the programs policies and procedures?
Key Indicator #2----Screening and Referrals CHS2.1 The Program supports children’s healthy development by screening children and making referrals as needed. Federal Regulations: (b)(1-3) )a)(2)
Questions Did the program make an attempt to complete the developmental screenings for the child within 45 days of the child’s date of entry? Did the program make an attempt to complete the social, emotional, and behavioral screenings for the child within 45 days of the child’s entry? What are the procedures for the screening process?
Key Indicator #3—Safe Physical Environments CHS The program ensures that medication is properly stored and is not accessible to children. Federal Regulations (c)(1)
Questions Are medications labeled and stored under lock and key and refrigerated if necessary?
Key Indicator #4—Health Practices and Routines CHS4.1 – Staff, volunteers, and children wash their hands with soap and running water. CHS4.3—The program adopts sanitation and hygiene practices for diapering that adequately protect children’s and staff’s health and safety. CHS The Program obtains information from parents about their children’s health and safety needs, identifies and plans for accommodations, and ensures that appropriate staff are informed and trained in accordance with the program’s confidentiality policy. Federal Regulation (e)(1)(i-iv) (e)(5)
Questions Describe proper hand washing techniques. When should hand washing occur during the day among both staff and children? Describe proper sanitation and hygiene procedures for diapering. Describe how the program ensures that teaching staff are informed on identifying and planning for needed accommodations.