Key Stage 2 SATs Year 6 Statutory Assessment Tests 2016 Parents Information Evening with Mrs Exton Warfield CE Primary School
Key stage 2 Assessments Four days of tests in Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) and Maths. They are written against the KS2 National Curriculum programmes of study. The tests are externally marked by trained markers. Tests provide a standard ‘snapshot’ of attainment to pass to secondary school. Used in conjunction with teacher assessment and final end of year report.
Timetable for Tests in May 2016 Monday 9 th May 2016 Tuesday 10 th May 2016 Wednesday 11 th May 2016 Thursday 12 th May 2016 English reading test, reading booklet and associated answer booklet. English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, Paper 1, short answer questions. English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, Paper 2, spelling. Mathematics, Paper 1, arithmetic test. Mathematics Paper 3, reasoning Mathematics, Paper 2, reasoning.
Assessment Standards for 2016 A new national curriculum was introduced in As a result, the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is changing the tests so that they assess the new curriculum. Pupils will take the new tests for the first time in May As part of the national curriculum review, levels have been abolished. From 2016, we will use scaled scores to report national curriculum test outcomes. they assess the new curriculum. Pupils will take the new tests for the first time in May 2016.
What results will I receive? assess the new curriculum. Pupils will take Each pupil registered for the tests will receive: a raw score (number of raw marks awarded) a scaled score confirmation of whether or not they attained the national standard There will continue to be no link between KS2 test results and teacher assessment. 16.
Key changes which were made last year The reading paper is now 1 hour including reading time. Children can read one text then answer questions on this or could tackle the hardest text first. All tests are NON CALCULATOR for Maths
Teacher Assessment Includes areas which can be more difficult to assess by use of a paper and pencil test. Uses information gained from: marking, class discussion, ongoing observations. Reported to you via the end of year report alongside the SATs test mark.
English Reading 50 marks A Reading Level will be given from the comprehension test (1 hour). 3 different ‘Texts’ Complete questions at own pace whilst using the reading booklet. Approximately 36 questions. Some longer and shorter answers.
GAPS Test (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) NEW IN 2013 NEW IN 2013 Harder level of challenge for 2016 Harder level of challenge for 2016 Paper 1: 45 Minute ‘short answer’ test Paper 2: 20 Spelling questions. Unknown words. No specific time frame. (Approx. 20 mins)
Grammar includes: Word classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives etc) Features of different types of sentences (statements, questions and commands) Grammar of complex sentences (clauses, phrases, subordinating connectives) How to be formal or informal Standard and non standard English use (contractions)
Vocabulary includes: Broaden vocabulary and to use in inventive ways (prefixes, suffixes, singular, plural etc) Punctuation includes: Use punctuation correctly (full stops, question and exclamation marks, commas, inverted commas, apostrophes to mark possession and omission)
Teacher Assessment - Writing There is no longer a writing test There is no longer a writing test All writing the children have done All writing the children have done throughout the year will be assessed This could be externally moderated This could be externally moderated The main ‘evidence’ of writing will be taken from Writing Assessment books showing your child’s best work in writing. Other subject books could also be assessed by an external moderator.
Mathematics Mathematics Test A (non calculator) Test B (non calculator) Arithmetic.
Where will they sit the tests? In the hall In the hall Children who need extra support will have individual arrangements made which will be discussed with parents – I will contact you if there is a specific arrangement being made for your child. Children who need extra support will have individual arrangements made which will be discussed with parents – I will contact you if there is a specific arrangement being made for your child.
How do we support your children in the lead up to the tests? Look at previous SATs papers to: Familiarise children with format and language of tests Discuss strategies for answering questions and test confidence Gain experience of working under test constraints. Complete a full practise ‘Mock Week’, this will take place W/C 8-11 th February I will discuss the marks with the children individually the following week after half term. They will bring home a record of their test scores to share with you. Provide activities and questions to work on at home in their SATS revision folder (This will be coming home again over Easter.)
How can you help? Reading Reading Providing regular opportunities to read, and be read to Discuss and share a variety of texts together Making predictions as to what might happen in next part, summarising what we know so far with supporting evidence Support children with Reading Comprehensions which will be sent home in SATS revision folders over Half term and Easter
Writing Writing Talk to your child with particular focus on how to capture the viewpoint of the writer Remind children about VCOP whenever they are writing (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation) Encourage children to develop their vocabulary. Experiment with ambitious words. If a child is doing any writing encourage them to proof read their work and edit accordingly. Handwriting – legible, joined, consistent. They may use print handwriting for spellings.
Maths Maths Times table and number bond facts Everyday opportunities for mental maths eg. - - shopping - - telling the time/ timetables - D.I.Y measures and calculations - Cooking - measuring and converting units Helping children to learn key facts of equivalents Encourage children to try practise questions at home and complete revision posters on key facts. Work from their SATS revision folder
How else can I support my child? Useful Websites ml For actual SATS past papers online: sign up; then you are free to access all past papers including audio of mental maths. CPG books Collins Achieve books WHSmith Revision Books
Thank you for attending tonight. If you have any general questions please can you share them now. MANY THANKS, Mrs Claire Exton Assistant Headteacher & Year 6 Teacher Warfield CE Primary School