Paper 03 Questions on Fidel Castro Daniel W. Blackmon IB HL History Coral Gables Senior High
This list does not include questions requiring a comparison / contrast with two nations, one of which could be Cuba under Castro
Please make note of the frequency with which a Castro question is asked (that is, is one asked every year, or approximately every other year?)
Analyze the social and economic problems in any ONE Latin American country since (HL) (Nov 1991)
Analyze the reasons for the longevity of Fidel Castro’s rule in Cuba. (HL) (1998)
Explain the reasons for the long-term survival of the regime of Fidel Castro. (HL) (1999)
Account for Fidel Castro’s rise to power in Cuba and explain the United States reaction to his regime until (HL) (November 1999)
To what extent was Castro able to achieve his aims between 1959 and 1990, and what prevented him from achieving more? (HL) (2000)
“Cuba, unlike other Latin American countries, has created a true social revolution.” How valid is this assessment of the impact of Castro*s regime upon Cuba? (HL) (2001)
To what extent has either Canada or one Latin American country developed a foreign policy independent of the United States since 1945? (HL) (2002)
Analyze the successes and failures of Castro’s social and economic policies in the period (HL) (2003)
Analyze the short-term and longer-term consequences for Cuba between 1959 and 1995 of Castro’s rule. (HL) (2004)
For what reasons, and with what results for the economy of Cuba, did Castro become ruler of Cuba? (HL) (2005)
Analyse the relations between the United States and either Canada or one country in Latin America, between 1945 and (HL) (2006)
“Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba because of the weaknesses of Batista’s regime.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (2008)
To what extent did either Canada or one Latin American country develop a foreign policy independent of the United States after 1945?. (2008)
Examine the foreign policy of either Canada or one Latin American country between 1945 and (2009)
Assess the reasons for the long survival of Fidel Castro’s regime in Cuba. (2009)
Examine the domestic policies of ONE Canadian or Latin American leader between 1945 and (2011)
Questions Requiring a Comparison / Contrast with Two Countries, one of Which May Be Cuba
Compare and explain the outcomes of two revolutions in Latin America, one successful, and one unsuccessful. (1985)
Compare and contrast TWO twentieth century Latin American revolutions with respect to (a) causes, (b) goals, (c) leadership and (d) achievements and failures. (1987)
Compare and contrast the aims and achievements of peasant revolutionaries in Cuba and Mexico in the twentieth century. (HL) (1990)
With reference to at least TWO countries, assess the attempts at land reform in Latin America since (HL) (1993)
How successful have the forces of the “political left” been in TWO Latin American countries since 1945? (HL) (1997)
Why did Marxism become popular in Latin America after the 1960s? Support your arguments with examples from at least two countries in Latin America. (HL) (1998)
“Latin American politics depended much more on personalities than on ideologies in the twentieth century.” Referring to at least two countries in the region show how far you agree with this statement. (HL) (1999)
Compare and contrast the causes of two revolutionary movements in Latin America after (HL) (2006)