He was the first professional author / background / people / king ’s men / A great artist / he is a business man / he wrote a lot of things / he wrote tragedies and comedies / love / he was born in a typical English town in 1564 / he played in the biggest amphitheatre / he died on his birthday / he is one of the best writers of his age / Shakespeare worked on the English language / in 1597 he created Romeo and Juliet / Shakespeare talked about human condition / Shakespeare was also an actor / He didn’t have a high education / he wrote a lot of books and a lot of tragedies, tragic comedies, he never went to the University / he was born in the little town of Stratford / We have a marriage record / he is famous all around the world / He is very popular on Google / He had one daughter and two twins, one of them died, named Hamlet / He was also a poet / he knew very well the English language / He wrote a lot of histories /
The Globe Theatre Shakespeare with his actors had a disagreement with the landowner of his theatre in the North of London. So they took every part of the Theatre to bring them through the river and settle a new theatre in the South of London which was cheaper. They called it the Globe. But today we cannot see the whole Theatre in London only the foundations remain. The Globe opened in 1599. Shakespeare was in a financial stability. So his creativity flourished. He was working very hard indeed ( en effet ). He wrote the plays very quickly. He died in 1616. In the 1990’s they recreated the Globe in London. In terms of architecture they are really similar. There is still a stage, a stage balcony, musicians’ gallery and three doors for the actors, a trap door in the stage and a trap door in the roof. The Globe Theatre itself inspired Shakespeare in his plays. The audience came from all social classes. It only cost a penny to come and stand. Nowadays people come from all over the world to listen to Shakespeare in the Globe.