Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Paul V. Anderson’s Technical Communication, 6 th ed.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Focus on what you want to happen while your readers are reading.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Define your usability goal: analyze your readers’ reading tasks.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Define your persuasive goal: analyze your readers’ attitudes.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Learn your readers’ personal characteristics.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Global Guideline: Learn your readers’ cultural characteristics.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Study the context in which your readers will read.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Ask others to help you understand your readers and their context.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Learn who all your readers will be.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Identify any constraints on the way you write.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Ethics Guideline: Identify your communication’s stakeholders.
Defining Your Communication’s Objectives Read more about defining your communication’s objectives in Chapter 3 of Technical Communication.