Goals A goal statement should be simple and unambiguous. Your goal should also be realistic and aligned with your available capacity, resources and time. Think about the ultimate social change you are seeking and the ways that your communication activities will complement the programmatic work required to get you there. The first step in any strategic communication effort is clearly defining your objective. Think of it as a destination, a specific spot on the map.
Goals Goals 1 Rank of "build communication capacity of nonprofits" as a goal of communication.
Goals Goals 2 Rank of "build public will" as a goal of communication.
Goals Goals 3 Rank of "influence policy and practice" as a goal of communication.
Goals “ “In this day and age, often communication is the work.” EXECUTIVE LEADER Private Foundation
Goals “ “Without communication we cannot advance our public policy objectives or raise the dollars we need. Communication is central to our strategy. It is a programmatic lever that we use early and often.” BOARD MEMBER Nonprofit
Goals “ “I’ve seen people who embrace communication but don't really get it. They want to make a snazzy video but haven't really thought it through. Why? What is the purpose? Who is the audience?” PROGRAM LEADER Private Foundation
Goals How are your goals aligned with the social change you are seeking?
Goals How do you communicate your goals internally?
Goals How do you measure your goals?