Learning Objectives Open your communication notes and add the following objectives Be aware of the different channels of communication Know that there are different methods of communication and that they can be categorised as oral, visual, written, pictorial
Starter Open the “Methods of communication” sheet from the shared area Business Studies/year 11/AQA Revision/Communication/Methods of Communication Copy the tables into your communication notes document and then fill in the tick boxes (one box per method)
Answers OralVisualWritten Graphical/ Pictorial electronic notice boards messages face-to-face meetings financial documents graphs and charts letters memos production drawings telephone video conferencing
Channels of Communication Another way that communications can be classified is as going through different channels
Channels of Communication Formal Internal Urgent Confidential Informal External Non-urgent Non-confidential v’s Explain the difference between each of these e.g. what is the difference between formal and informal communication in a business
Formal v’s informal Formal communications are those that take place through official channels, e.g. formal letters sent to suppliers or to job applicants. Informal channels are less official e.g. word-of-mouth messages, gossip
Internal v’s external Messages that don’t leave the business go through internal channels. These can be vertical (across levels of the organisational hierarchy) or horizontal (between workers at the same level on the organisational hierarchy). Messages sent outside the firm are sent through external channels
Urgent v’s Non-urgent Urgent channels are used to deliver important messages quickly. Speaking with someone face-to-face or over the telephone or via IM are all ways of communicating quickly with another person if the matter is urgent.
Confidential v’s non-confidential Confidential communications should only be seen by those the “need to know”, e.g. financial information. Non-confidential communications can be seen by anyone.
Channels of Communication Formal Internal Urgent Confidential Informal External Non-urgent Non-confidential v’s Give an example of a message that would be sent through each channel
Quick Task Go to Select “Activities” -> “GCSE Business” ->“By Topic” Select “People” -> “Communication” Start with the hangman or word search, then do the other activities
Plenary Tick off the objectives from the Unit 8 checklist 3.2 be aware of the different channels of communication, such as: formal/informal internal/external confidential/ non-confidential urgent/non-urgent 3.2 know that there are different methods of communication and that these can be categorised as: oral visual written pictorial