Objectives: Lesson Two Creating an eye-catching image board based around ‘money boxes’. Using the internet (google search engine) collect a variety of images based on style, shape, size, theme and materials. Visual communication of knowledge and understanding so far must be evident on the mood board (annotation). Using ‘Publisher’ to create your image board (no need to format images). Please make sure that the money boxes you are selecting are examples that inspire and interest you as you will be analysing two of the products next lesson!
Exemplar Image Board
Image Board Checklist… Do not forget….using Publisher to create your image board on! Creative Eye-catching Relevant images Focusing on target consumer (11 – 14 year olds) Size of product Shape Style ( – could you focus on a design movement? E.g. Memphis or Art Deco) Materials Theme – sports? Female? Male? Cartoon? Ext: Decorative ideas for the front (if time allows)
Saving your work… You MUST save your work in the designated folder as the image boards will be printed out (by me) ready for your third lesson (when we do product analysis). Computer Shared Work (S Drive) DT MRS G Year group Your group Please title the image board with your full name – this will make it a lot easier when distributing next lesson for a prompt start!