FUNDING FOR INFORMATICS AT NIH Informatics is the NLM research domain NLM does most of the clinical informatics Many Institutes, including NLM, now do bioinformatics
RESEARCH CONTRACTS SPECIAL PURPOSE RESEARCH $30-50 MILLION P.A. Visible Human Project Creating anatomical images of the male and female human body Telemedicine Evaluating the impact of telemedicine on cost, quality, and access to health care Next Generation Internet (NGI) Supporting innovative medical projects that demonstrate uses of the NGI Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Unified Medical Language System Improving retrieval and integration of information from multiple sources
GRANTS BUDGET FY 2002 Total: $47.5 Million
Some Current Information Issues Too much ‘noisy’ information Too little time and ‘cognitive energy’ Inadequate expertise at finding and applying information Ever-changing array of information systems and resources Inefficient and inadequate use of information technology
Problem: IT “Smokestacks” IAIMS Grants Create standing IT Management System Interface all institutional IT systems Address all Institution functions Recognize need for constant vigilance
IAIMS Factoids 42 institutions funded since completed all phases, 2 in-progress $50.6 million awarded since 1984 Examples: Columbia, Yale, U. Wash Program recently revised
Problem: Access to Information Grants for Grants for last-mile wireless and broadband, gateway searches, single log-in, Internet connections Recent NLM grants – Clinical Search Retrieval from Four Electronic Databases (R01) – Establishing a Trusted Third Party Service for Healthcare in Connecticut (G08) – Internet Connection for 6 rural public health clinics (Alaska)
Problem: Information for decision- making Informatics/information skills training, critical appraisal, JIT, Data-mining NLM grants – Intelligent Critiquing of Clinical-Guideline Application (R01) – Knowledge Discovery in Distributed Cardiac Image Bases (R01) – New Decision Supports and Databases for Drug Dosage (R01) – Connection grants and training in database use (G08)
Problem: Use IT to Increase Available Information graphical search and retrieval tools, new databases, data-mining NLM grants – Shape-Based Retrieval in Medical Image Databases (R01) – Evidence Based Medicine Information and Resource Center (G08) – CINID – a Model Disability Information Network (G08)
Problem:Assistance Needed to Retrieve Needed Information The INFORMATIONIST An information specialist who evaluates & synthesizes information pertinent to a problem A cross-trained information specialist with background in clinical sciences (or basic biological sciences) and information sciences A team member whose responsibility is customizing, representing, interpreting the information stream (training program in development)
Problem: Too Few Informaticians NLM-Supported Training Programs Columbia Harvard Indiana Hopkins Minn Missouri Oregon Pitts Rice Stanford *S. Car *U. Wash *Wisc *UC-Irv *UCLA Utah *Vander Yale * = new this year
Problem: Too Few Research Informaticians
Problem: Suboptimal Use of Computing By Biologists BISTI Grants to plan “national programs of excellence in biomedical computing” Trans-NIH program Up to $500,000 pa x 3 Can lead to implementation grants Applications accepted thrice yearly NLM Centers: Yale, Columbia, Vanderbilt, U. Washington
Problem: Disaster Management is Information Intensive Program Announcement to Informatics Community “NLM encourages applications for informatics research relevant to disaster management”
For More Information Milton Corn, M.D. Director, Extramural Programs