Guided Reading and Writing Steps to Reading with Your Child
According to Spiegel (1992) “The overall purpose of guided reading is to enable children to read for meaning at all times. Guided reading instruction is systematic instruction with a scope of skills and objectives to accomplish”(Morrow, 2009, Literacy Development in the Early Years).
Before Reading Set the stage Reading with your child should be enjoyable! Even though, we want them to gain skills, it should be a time to share an experience. Its OK to read the same book everyday. Reading the same text will help build confidence, fluency, and you can set a different purpose for reading each day Set a purpose for Reading (vocabulary, story grammar, word attack skills, fluency) 1.Preview the pictures and/or text features (table of contents, bolded words, headings, glossary, captions) 2.Make a Prediction about the content 3.Pre-teach sight words (Level B-F), vocabulary (all)
During Reading Slow Down………….Monitor Comprehension It’s OK to take turns reading and/or chorally read together Word Attack Skills— Use prompting questions to help your child figure out the word on their own— “When there is an “e” at the end of a word what does the vowel say? Break down a word by separating the prefixes/suffixes and look for the root word. Vocabulary –Context Clues —What word would make sense there? Let’s read the sentence before/after and see if it clarifies the meaning Stop after every passage/few pages and clarify meaning (Use the Leveled Questions to guide your questioning)
After Reading Clarify, Classify, Draw Conclusions, Summarize! 1.Have your child Retell the story with a clear understanding of story grammar and using supporting details. Five Finger Retel-1. Characters 2. Setting 3. Problem 4. Events 5. Solution 2. Non-Fiction- Have your child determine the main idea or author’s purpose. Why did the author write this text? What does he/she want us to know? Show me the evidence! What do you know? Use the Leveled Text questions as a guide to after reading comprehension. Have your child read the question, Tell you what the question means, and then orally respond. How do you know what you know? Show me The goal is for your child to be able to write their response and Use evidence!!!! Have your child point to the part in the book that supports their response.
Level G-Just Like You and Me Written Comprehension Samples Question : How are animals and people alike? Use evidence from the story to support your answer. 3 Complex Understanding- Birds like to show off, cheetahs like to run, penguins like to play together, chameleons like to blend in, lions like to lounge, cranes like to dance and birds like to feel safe. People like to do all of these things too. 2 General Understanding- Animals and people both run. 1Minimal Understanding- Animals and people like to eat.
Level K-Finding the Party Written Comprehension Samples Genre: Humorous Fiction 3rd Person Narrative Question: How do you think the children felt when they got lost? Use 2 details from the story to support your answer. 3 Complex Understanding: I think the children felt upset that they had gotten lost. One detail the author stated is that Sam was getting mad and began shouting when they couldn’t find their way. On page 8 the children’s faces look upset as they look at the map trying to find out where they had to go. 2 General Understanding: I think the children were not happy because they had frowning faces and Sam began shouting. 1 Minimal Understanding: I think the children felt lost.
Level N-Uncle Rabbit Written Comprehension Samples Genre: Folktale 3rd Person Narrative Question: How do the character’s actions change what happens in the story? Use a detail from the story to support your answer. Score 3 Complex Understanding: The character’s actions affect what happens in the story because Uncle Rabbit hears the king’s plans to catch him and he made his own plans. He is able to play a trick on each person he meets. He uses the shoes from the first trick to get what he wants to use to disguise himself when he gets to the water hole so he could be safe. First, he tricks the shoemaker into giving him his shoes. Next, he tricks the honey seller using the shoes so he could get the honey. Then, he uses the honey to pour all over himself. Finally, he rolls himself in a pile of leaves to disguise himself and is safe. Score 2 General Understanding: The character’s actions change what happens in the story because Uncle Rabbit is able to use the tricks to help save himself. He tricks the shoemaker and the honey seller into giving him things he needed. He saved himself. Score 1 Minimal Understanding: Uncle Rabbit had leaves all over his body at the end.