The Basics Is the 5 th planet from the sun. 300 times more massive than earth Named after the roman chief god, Jove. Also called a gas giant.
Distances and Such 778,000,000 km from the sun.41 earth days to rotate 142,800 km across in diameter times the mass of earth.
Satellites Jupiter has 17 moons, the same as Uranus. This is a picture of Io, known as the most colorful object in space. Io is covered with volcanoes and is one of the most active moons in the universe.
What is it like? This is a picture of the Great red spot. It is actually a huge storm, in which 20 earths could fit. Jupiter is believed to have a small solid core, but is mostly made of hydrogen and helium gas.
Crash! This is a picture of the scars received when shoemaker-levy9 crashed into Jupiter in Shoemaker was a smaller probe from Galileo. Was also visited by Voyager in 1977
Works Cited online.com pictureshttp:// online.com edu/nineplanets/ninepl anets/overview.html picturehttp://seds.lpl.arizona. edu/nineplanets/ninepl anets/overview.html World book enyclopedia 2000, vol.10.
The End!