School Improvement Grants Webinar July 23, 2010. Webinar Troubleshooting Pin # enables audio communication Questions may be submitted via the chat or.


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Presentation transcript:

School Improvement Grants Webinar July 23, 2010

Webinar Troubleshooting Pin # enables audio communication Questions may be submitted via the chat or by ing: –

Communication SIGnificant Points (Updates) Website Orientation Visits Monitoring/Quality Reviews

Finance Information You Need To Know

Topics Requirements for ARRA funds Chart of Accounts Special Funding Considerations (timing) Basic Compliance Issues

Requirements for ARRA Funds Competition Transparency

OERI Management Directives Competition in all procurement transactions (goods and services) conducted using ARRA funds – Bidding – IPS – Advertise in local newsprint outlets

OERI Management Directives Post jobs with Employment Security Commission  “Compliance” tab

Chart of Accounts If additional codes are needed to accommodate your project, contact Donna Brown. Chart of Accounts codes are typically updated weekly.

Special Funding Considerations Timing issue – allotment of PRC 143 funds may not be released until August Special work-around for SIG LEAs only – post expenditures to PRC 143, but request cash from PRC 050 Zero-out will be suspended on these 2 PRCs until allotment is made, then process will correct cash with these procedures sent to Finance Officers and program directors on 7/8/10

Basic Compliance Issues SIG funds are Federal funds, so Federal compliance requirements apply – Time & Effort documentation – Equipment inventory – Contracts, including specific invoices – Internal Controls and written procedures


An SEA must post on its Web site a summary of the SIG grants it awarded, including the following information: 1. Name and NCES identification number of each LEA awarded a grant; 2. Amount of each LEA’s grant; 3. Name and NCES identification number of each school to be served; and 4. Type of intervention to be implemented in each Tier I and Tier II school being served. 5. All LEA SIG Applications.

Web Table LEA NameSchool Name(s) NCES #Amount Awarded Intervention Model Anson County Schools (pdf) Anson Challenge Academy $2,436,215Restart Brunswick County Schools (pdf) Brunswick County Academy $1,996,081Transformation Buncombe County Schools (pdf) Buncombe Community- East $2,330,198Turnaround

Additional Web Info USED Guidance Webinar Presentations Resources from the Center on Innovation & Improvement

Orientation Visits Application walk-through Statewide System of Support Monitoring Overview Teacher Leaders Program

SIG Monitoring Outcome measures (i.e., improvements in student performance) Leading Indicators Fidelity of model implementation Budget vs. Expenditure Quarterly feedback

Leading Indicators Number of minutes within the school year; Student participation rate on state assessments by subgroup; Dropout rate; Student attendance rate; Number and percentage students completing advanced coursework, early college, or dual- enrollment; Discipline incidents; Truants; Distribution of teachers by performance level on LEA’s teacher evaluation system; and Teacher attendance rate


SIG Contact Information: George Hancock, Consultant (910) Donna Brown, Section Chief (919)