COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT WSSDA Webinar September 17, 2014 Colleen Miller, Director of Leadership Development
Logistics Use the question box on your GoToMeeting tool panel.Questions are often answered at the end of the presentation Webcast is being recorded and a copy of it and the slide deck will be posted sometime tomorrow.
Outcomes Washington School Board Standard 5 Expanded view of community engagement through partnerships How does a board ensure that all stakeholders voices are heard when working with a diverse population?
Standard 5: Engage local community and represent the values and expectations they hold for their schools By: Benchmark of Success a. Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
Challenges Represent the values and expectations Collaborate Respond
Stakeholders Who are your stakeholders?
Respond One-Way Communication What communication paths does your district use? Two-way Communication How does your board engage in two-way communication with stakeholders?
Collaborate and Mobilize Partnerships with stakeholder groups
Example A key goal of Alaska ICE has been to strengthen community collaborations to improve the community’s ability and drive to support youth. Association of Alaska School Boards' Initiative for Community Engagement
NSBA : PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT TOOLKIT connection/public-engagement-toolkit
Questions ?
Outcomes Washington School Board Standard 5 Expanded view of community engagement through partnerships How does a board ensure that all stakeholders voices are heard when working with a diverse population?
Thank you for joining our webinar!