Matching Word Parts Match the correct word part with its definition. Definition Possible answers 1. bad, difficult, painful -algia 2. excessive, increased dys- 3. liver -ectomy 4. pain, suffering hepat/o 5. surgical removal hyper-
Definitions: Select the correct answer for each statement/question The word part meaning plaque or fatty substance is ___________________ -algia arteri/o ather/o arthr/o The prefix meaning surrounding is ________ inter- intra- peri- pre- A __________ is always placed at the end of the term. combining form prefix suffix word root The word part meaning white is _________ cyan/o erythr/o leuk/o poli/o The suffix meaning abnormal softening is___ -malacia -necrosis -sclerosis -stenosis
Spelling: Correct the spelling of the underlined word. 1. A disease named for the person who discovered it is known as an enaponym. 2. A localized response to injury or tissue destruction is called inflimmation. 3. The act of closing a wound by stitching is sutering. 4. The medical term meaning the surgical repair of a nerve is neuriplasty. 5. The medical term meaning inflammation of the tonsils is tonsilitis.