Please be Seated
Good Vibrations Physics is Phun November 2006
Aims or Goals of Science: 1.Learn all there is to know about the universe. 2.Rearrange it to suit our needs.
Three Main Sciences: If it bites and scratches, it’s biology. If it stinks and pops, it’s chemistry. If it doesn’t work, it’s physics.
Life without physics is like a fish without a bicycle. -feminist wisdom
Vibrations A vibration is a motion that cannot make up its mind which way it wants to go.
Periodic Motion
Simple Harmonic Motion
SHM as Projection of Uniform Circular Motion
Vibrations in crystal lattice Hooke’s Law
Other examples of Simple Harmonic Motion
RESONANCE: 1. Driven and Damped Harmonic Motion 2. Coupled resonance
Chaos in Driven and Damped SHM UM Prof. James Yorke
Gravitational Waves: Prof. Joe Weber, UMD
L aser I nterferometer G ravitational Wave O bservatory
LIGO Gravity Wave Response
LIGO Artist’s View
LIGO Hanford Observatory
Ligo Livingston Observatory
Listening for Gravitational Waves by Peter Shawhan, Assistant Professor of Physics University of Maryland Gravity Experiment Research Group Article in Departmental Newsletter, The Photon, October 2006
L aser I nterferometer S pace A ntenna
LISA in Solar System
LISA Satellite Configuration
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna LISA Home Page at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Combinations of Simple Harmonic Motions
Applications to Sound and Light
BAD Vibrations
Millenium Bridge Pedestrian suspension bridge across the Thames river in London
We are on the web at Animated Gifs compliments of The End See you in January!