Piloting Course Chapter 3 Plotting & Planning Techniques EXERCISES United States Power Squadrons ®
Slide 2 Exercise 3-1 How to maintain a DR plot. Using “Seaman’s Eye” to confirm DR positions. At 0945, depart G “1” Fl G 2s Oyster River on a true course of 075º. Speed is 6.5kn. At 1010, you change to a magnetic course of 355º. At 1030, you increase speed to 8.5kn. At 1105, you take up a true course of 090º. What is a visual check on the 1030 DR position? What is your sounding at the 1105DR position? 0945 T = 075 V = 015W M = 090 C 090M S 6.5 D = (ST)/60 D = (6.5x25)/60 D = 2.7nm M = 355 V = 015W T = 340 C 355M S D = (ST)/60 D = (6.5x20)/60 D = 2.2nm 1030 C 355M S 8.5 D = (ST)/60 D = (8.5x35)/60 D = 5.0nm T = 090 V = 015W M = C 105M S 8.5
Slide 3 Exercise 3-2 Method for taking and plotting compass bearings. Plot and label the magnetic course, bearings & DR positions. At 1005, depart R “8” I Q R Main Channel on a true course of 080º. Speed is 6.2kn. At 1035, using a hand bearing compass, you take a bearing of 185º on R “6” Fl R4s Main Channel. Using “Seaman’s Eye”, how can you verify this bearing? At 1110, you take a compass bearing of 355º on the Duttons Island light. What does this tell you about your speed? 1005 C 095M S T = 080 V = 015W M = 095 D = (ST)/60 D = (6.2x30)/60 D = 3.1nm MB = 185 V = 015W TB = M D = (ST)/60 D = (6.2x35)/60 D = 3.6nm MB = 355 V = 015W TB = M 1110
Slide 4 Using two bearings to plot a fix. At 0900, depart RW “OR” Mo (A) Oyster River on a true course of 350º. Speed is 6.0kn. At 0936, you take a compass bearing of 285º on Chapman Point light and a compass bearing of 355º on the light house north of Shark River. At the 0936 fix, take up a magnetic course of 077º. Increase speed to 11kn. What are the L and Lo of the 0936 fix? Observe the 0936 DR and fix positions. What happended? Using “Seaman’s Eye”, what can you say about your 0936 fix? Exercise C 005M S 6.0 T = 350 V = 015W M = M M D = (ST)/60 D = 6.0x36/60 D = 3.6nm CB = 285 V = 015W TB = 270 CB = 355 V = 015W TB = M = 077 V = 015W T = 062 C 077M S 11 41º 41.4’N 72º 01.3’W
Slide 5 Using “Seaman’s Eye” to take bow and beam relative bearings. At 1000, depart RW “OR’ Mo (A) on a true course of 349º. Speed is 6.0kn. At 1019, you take a starboard beam bearing by “Seaman’s Eye” on R “10” Q R Main Channel. At 1100, you briefly turn the bow toward Fl R 6s 40ft 10M HORN north of Shark River and take a bow bearing of 344ºM, and notice that the light on Chapman’s Point is exactly off your port beam. Plot the 1100 fix and steer a new course of 105ºM. At 1147, you take a port beam bearing on the tower with a red light to the north. Exercise C 004M S 6.0 T = 349 V = 015W M = M M D = (ST)/60 D = 6.0x19/60 D = 1.9nm RB = 090 MH = 004 MB = 094 V =015W TB = D= (ST)/60 D=(6.0x41)/60 D= 4.1nm M RB = 000 MH = 344 MB = 344 V = 015W TB = RB = 270 MH = 344 MB = 254 V = 015W TB = 239 M = 105 V = 015W T = 090 C 105M S 6.0 D = (ST) / 60 D=(6.0x47)/60 D = 4.7nm 1147 RB = 270 MH = 105 MB = 375 V =015W TB = M
Slide 6 Select and measure ranges from any two charted landmarks. Create a range to the entrance of Perkins Cove, approaching it from the North on a magnetic course of approximately 200º. Assume that the tower on the west side of Perkins Cove is illuminated and its height to be 40ft. Plot the range and create a turn into Perkins Cove Exercise 3-5 – Ranges T = 184 V = 015W M = 199 Range 199M T = 156 V = 015W M = 171 C 171M