A biographical overview Queen Elizabeth I 1559-1603 A biographical overview
Her early years Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She was born at Greenwich Palace on 7 September 1533, and was a great disappointment to Henry, who longed for a son. Henry had Anne executed on false charges of incest and adultery when Elizabeth was two. She had a variety of stepmothers, according to the vagaries of Henry’s affections for other women. Despite being officially considered illegitimate, Henry restored her to the line of succession after her younger stepbrother Edward and elder stepsister Mary.
A dangerous adolescence Upon Henry’s death, Edward succeeded the throne, but as he was still a child, there was a regency of ambitious men. Elizabeth was accused of being involved in some men’s ambitions during the regency, and upon Edward’s death, Mary had her imprisoned and investigated on suspicion of being implicated in treasonous activities. Upon childless Mary’s death in 1558, Elizabeth became Queen as the only remaining child of Henry VIII.
Elizabeth as Queen Elizabeth became Queen at a difficult time. England was involved in an unpopular and expensive war with France. The country was divided over religious matters. There were serious economic problems, such as debased coinage, that had to be faced. She was also besieged by offers of marriage, all of which she rejected, though the issue of her succession remained a major concern.
Many challenges Elizabeth faced many challenges in her reign. The most enduring challenge was Mary Queen of Scots, who fled Scotland to England, and was the focus of plotting by disaffected Catholics who wanted to place Mary on the throne. She eventually was forced to execute Mary, resulting in open hostility from Catholic powers, including Spain. England survived the threat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, but ongoing problems in Ireland affected the remainder of her reign. She died in 1603.