What were the causes of the English Civil War?
Parliament’s Role: ◦ Included representatives from the entire country ◦ Had the power to pass laws and approve taxes ◦ Example: Henry VIII used parliament to make England Anglican ◦ Seen as a check on the power of the monarchy because it represented the wishes of people Parliament’s Makeup: ◦ Two houses: Similar to Congress ◦ House of Lords Nobles and Clergy ◦ The House of Commons Gentry: landowners who had social position but no titles Burgesses: merchants and professional people from towns and cities BOTH GROUPS HAD POWER THAT THE MONARCH NEEDED TO RESPECT!!!!!!
Ruler from Scotland who came to power after the death of Elizabeth I in 1603 From the Stuart family Believed in Divine Right Many Englishmen suspected that he did not entirely understand their parliamentary system Strong supporter of the Anglican church putting him at conflict with the Puritans The main opposition to James I came from Parliament, where the Puritans had a strong voice. ◦ Could never collect taxes ◦ The growing tension between the Stuart ruler and his English subjects explodes with his son Charles I.
Charles I- son of James I ◦ Divine right- put him out of touch with population ◦ Could not get funds from Parliament ◦ Tried getting money through threat of imprisonment ◦ Petition of Right- given to the King by Parliament King could not tax without agreement from parliament Could not declare martial law Could not board soldiers in private homes during peace time Could not imprison a person w/o specific charge For 11 years, Charles refused to call parliament into session- time period was known as Long Parliament Religion issues grew ◦ Charles Anglican ◦ Parliament still Puritan ◦ Tensions rose
Charles needed money to put down Rebellion in Scotland Calls Parliament into session ◦ This process was called LONG PARLIAMENT because of how long it was since they were last called into session Instead of Parliament helping the King, they hurt his power with two key rules: ◦ end King’s power of dissolving Parliament and kept him from raising taxes ◦ Parliament has to meet once every 3 years
Rejected Parliaments' radical puritan changes in the church When parliament also tried to make changes in the Anglican church, approximately ½ of the public support shifted to the king
While Charles struggled with long Parliament, an Irish rebellion broke out (1641) ◦ 1100’s conquered people- treated brutally Parliament and Charles fight over who should control army to fight the Irish (1642)
What were the top issues/problems that caused tensions between Charles I and Parliament? ◦ Religion: Charles was Anglican, Parliament was Puritan ◦ Charles belief in divine right ◦ Charles’ inability to collect taxes or create laws