Benchmark for detector performance 11. Nov. meeting in 7 th ACFA LCWS in Taipei Y. Sugimoto KEK
Two aspects of “Benchmark” Physics benchmark Detector benchmark Detector Performances Physics Outputs Physics Process Detector Performance Many detector performances can be determined only when the physics process is specified Advertise ILC Show necessity of det. R&D Show advantage over other detector models Optimize detector parameters Necessary to
Guideline of selection of detector benchmark process Select minimum set of candidate physics processes without duplication of final-state topology (event shape) for the detector benchmark: Topology means “two light quark jets”, “two tau jets with missing E”, etc. Select processes which give measure of detector performance more directly and less analysis-dependently Make a matrix “Detector performance”– “Physics process” Study on the matrix elements relevant to each detector performance
Physics benchmark: Important processes in ILC SUSY e+e- e e 1 + 1 - 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 t t Extra dimension e+e- G KK (K.K. graviton) HH (graviton exchange) f f (graviton exchange) Higgs Physics e+e- ZH H ZHH HH t t H Standard Model e+e- t t ZZ WW f f ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ - - -
Detector benchmark Momentum resolution e+e- ZH, Z (Recoil mass resolution. May be categorized in Physics benchmark.) M H =120 GeV, E CM =500 GeV Jet energy resolution e+e- , qq, bb, cc (q: light quarks) E CM =50 – 500 GeV (several points) Basic data sample e+e- ZH, Z j j, H cc, bb M H =120 GeV, E CM =500 GeV Jet energy resolution for 4-jet events
Detector benchmark (2) c- and b- tagging e+e- ZH, Z , H cc, bb (, ) M H =120GeV, E CM =500GeV Tagging in 2-jet case e+e- ZH, Z j j, H cc, bb (, ) M H =120GeV, E CM =500GeV Tagging in 4-jet case ~
Detector benchmark (3) -tagging efficiency e+e- ZH, Z j j, H (cc, bb) M H =120GeV, E CM =500GeV Tagging in 4-jet case e+e- 0 E CM =500GeV, m=10GeV Tagging of soft 2- b.g. may be necessary e+e- (, qq, cc) E CM =500 GeV Tagging of hard ~~~
Detector benchmark (3) Target number of events 0.1M events/each process Generated events should have a common output format analyzable by different detector study groups If necessary, background events should also be generated
Summary Processes needed for detector benchmark e+e- ZH (M H =120GeV, E CM =500GeV) e+e- (E CM =500GeV, m=10GeV) e+e- , qq, cc, bb (E CM =50 – 500GeV) ~~