Xenon Detector Installation schedule Satoshi MIHARA
Xenon Installation Schedule Monthly schedule August Piping work between storage tank and 1000l dewar PiE5 September NaI Mover installation (1 week after delivery), NaI setup PiE5 October November Alignment at PiE5, PMT installation and check PiE5 December Complete PMT installation and check. Move to PiE5 are (13/Dec?) PiE5 January Start operationPiE5
Alignment of the cryostat at PiE5 We need alignment of the cryostat on the platform before installing PMTs. Align the cryostat (position and height) Make holes on the xenon platform to fix the cryostat Provisionally this is scheduled in 1/Nov (Wed) – 8/Nov(Wed) Possible conflict with Beam Tuning DC/TC run Need crane access on the platform
NaI Mover
35cm VME 9U Type 2 Trigger Boards
What can we do in 2006? Cryostat delivery at the end of October PMT installation: one month Detector setup: one month We should keep operating the detector during the winter shutdown period to learn the detector. This, however, needs installation to the PiE5 area in NaI Detector (with APD readout) will be ready well before this Large prototype beside COBRA? Can we do something meaningful? We understand this detector well Need significant preparation work, but not impossible