Interaction between Detector and Accelerator Final goal of IR Design is a maximum of useful data on tape In general: There is no clear Boundary between machine and Detector (magnets inside detector- detectors inside magnets) Design must be worked out in common frequent mutual consultions or better An interdisciplinary IR design team also important An interdisciplinary IR design team Organizational Issues: Decide early on path of decision making Make sure that solutions are not compromized due to one-sided funding limitations IR Panel Discussion, APS Snowmass 2001, July 6
in Conceptual Design Stage: Compromises to be worked out: - Luminosity versus Detector Acceptance ( -Magnet aperture & distance to IP) - Luminosity versus Beam Energies - Asymmetry versus Luminosity - Optical Flexibility versus Luminoisty - Background Versus Luminoisty - What is the maximum IR energy w.r.t. nominal...
In Design Stage Design problems to be solved: SR background simulations Particles Backgrounds (!!!) simulation Collimator and masks design Wakefield considerations, IR-vacuum considerations, pumping, interfaces integration of beam detectors Alignment and support, surveying and positioning of magnets in the detector Integration of detector elements in the accelerator: Masks & collimators, taggers, luminosity detectors, near beam detectors
Pre-operational Issues to be clarified: -Ownership of Machine components in Detector -Detector Component in the Accelerator Who control the devices? collimators, near beam targets detector magnets, calorimeters opening/closing Who is responsible for safety Who organizes maintenance and repairs