Section One: Europeans Set Sail Age of Exploration Section One: Europeans Set Sail
The European Economy Grows BLACK DEATH- The bubonic plague was a deadly disease that killed 30 million people. This was 1/3 of the European population Wealth and population took a blow Ships belonging to Italian merchants returned from Asia Carrying Rate infected The beak is a primitive gas mask, stuffed with substances (such as spices and herbs) thought to ward off the plague.
The European Economy Grows Recovery comes in the form of the COMMERCIAL REVOLUTION A period of great change in the European economy. Merchants become more aggressive to turn profits Trading centers/cities become rich from rare goods coming from other lands. Before merchants set prices according to what the local community thought was fair Cities became rich from specializing Venice=glassmaking Florence= dying cloth Venice and other cities also began to deal in rare goods that came from other lands…..these places became trading centers Commercial Revolution put more focus on expanding trade, making profits, and raising capital
The European Economy Grows “Money can do much; it should be held in high esteem. It turns a tramp into a respected and honorable man…The more money a man has, the more worthy he becomes, while the man who is penniless cannot call himself his own master…Money makes hard things easy.” Wealthy people in European society began to gain greater status and power. Merchant families in Europe wanted to get capital…money or property that is used to earn more money.
The European Economy Grows JOINT STOCK COMPANIES A group of people investing money in a business and share in the profits and losses. Merchants created Forming these helped merchants raise money while reducing the individual risk of starting a business for each investor.
The Renaissance New wealth brings about support for education and the arts. Period known as THE RENAISSANCE LEONARDO DE VINCI Develops hundreds of ideas for future machines Rebirth of arts and learning, began in Italy and spread across Europe Mona Lisa- thought to be the wife of a Florentine banker Michelangelo carved David, painted Sistine Chapel at the Vatican in Rome Idea for inventions not created for hundreds of years--- Leonardo flying machines with landing gear that pulled back (1933), parachutes, military devices, diving suits, detailed picture of armored vehicle on wheels not used until the end of WWI MONA LISA
The Renaissance JOHANNES GUTENBERG- Invents moveable type for printing presses. Millions of books are printed. Easier and less expensive to make many copes of a book What do you think the effects are? Spread of new ideas across Europe
The Renaissance Technological advances lead to the magnetic compass and the ASTROLABE. This tool allowed navigators to chart a ship’s location on a map using the position of the stars. People begin to feel that humans could do anything and were superior to all creatures. The Renaissance also led to technological advances that aided exploration They used ancient astronomical knowledge and tools such as the magnetic compass Better charts and instruments let sailors travel the sea without needing landmarks to guide them Major achievements of the Renaissance were interest in arts, scientific developments, and learning
Trade with Africa and Asia Wealth for the Commercial Revolution comes from trade These came from Africa These came from Asia Greatest profits came from Africa and Asia Salt was used to preserve food Tailors used silk fabric to sew fancy clothing, and cooks used expensive spices to flavor food Fruit pie recipe powdered pepper, cinnamon, cloves, powdered ginger, pines, raisins, saffron, and salt Saffron, powder that comes from crocus or a flower Clove dried flower bud GOLD IVORY SALT SLAVES SPICES SILKS
Trade with Africa and Asia Most goods arrived in Europe by long overland routes. This was dangerous, but the profit was worth it. Prices were very high at the end of the route Countries and companies look for new routes in order to get the goods that they want. Goods traveled long ways over land, along the way they would raise the prices for each trader, by the time the goods got to Europe, the prices were huge Did not want to depend on others to get the goods they needed And they could get products for lower prices because they could cut out the middle man…….explain
Trade with Africa and Asia Marco Polo Travels to Asia and writes of his adventures His stories inspire others to explore Some people want to explore in order to spread Christianity.
The Portuguese Explore Africa PRINCE HENRY “THE NAVIGATOR”- Improves the compass and teaches young sailors important sailing skills Developed the CARAVEL Small ship built to move quickly and handle well Portugal became leader in exploration Gathered finest mapmakers, sailors, and shipbuilders His designers developed the caravel He also paid for expeditions to explore the west coast of Africa, he believed that if he didn’t send explorers to this area then no one else would dare to attempt it
The Portuguese Explore Africa BARTOLOMEU DIAS- Leads exploration along the coast of Africa Ship goes around the Cape of Good Hope, or the tip of Africa Portuguese set up trading posts along the African coast Many Africans become slaves Storm blew ships out to sea, When he was able to see land again is when he realized they had passed the tip of Africa He wanted to continue but they were running low on supplies so they returned to Portugal Trading posts to supply the ships Bargained with local rulers and merchants for gold, ivory, and slaves Slave trade led to more warfare among the kingdoms of west Africa and broke up many families Slaves were also sent back to Portuguese colonies