ABC Method A – Answer B – Back it up C - Comment The Jackson 5 used it!!! It’s as easy as 1-2-3!!!!
Length of SHORT ANSWERS You don’t have to write much…The box is the size of a large candy bar. You have enough space to write 3-4 sentences.
Open Ended Response ABC. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!! On short answer questions, you need to do the following: 1. Answer the question in your own words. In a complete sentence, answer as exactly as possible. 2.Back it up. Prove your answer by quoting the story. Embed the quote…start with a transitional phrase. The quoted material should only be a few words. 3. Comment. Relate your answer and quote back to what’s been going on in the story and what can be learned. Be insightful. NO repetition. NO paraphrasing or quoting the story.
Answer the question You must answer in your own words. Don’t quote anything yet. You must answer EXACTLY what they are asking. If the question confuses you— start by getting out a dictionary and looking up any problem words. Even if you think you know the right answer—go back to the story and make sure that your answer is correct and can be proven.
Back it up You must go back to the text and FIND a quote that matches or proves the answer you gave. The quoted material can be only a single word or a few words. You must EMBED this quote. In other words, you must begin your sentence with some introductory phrase or transition and attach your quote. Transition words include Before, During, After, While, Although, Since, etc. DO NOT begin the sentence with a quote mark. Remember— GET IT IN YOUR HEAD..JUST EMBED. GET IT IN YOUR HEAD—Just EMBED your quotes!! Begin all quotes with an introductory phrase!
Comment This is where you finish out your thought using statements like, this shows…or this proves that… or Therefore, one can learn that… etc. Tie it back to the main idea or theme of the story. What is the big picture?
Example The writer of “The War” reacted with embarrassment to those who said he talked funny. After leaving his home state of Texas, he realized that his accent was pronounced and his drawl was slow, so he “began to get self-conscious.” His comments regarding the master sergeant’s experiment show that he was frustrated with his inability to communicate effectively. Communication is fundamental in relationships and in carrying out life’s daily demands. In “The War,” how does the narrator react when people say he talks funny? A – Answer B – Back it up C - Comment
Miscellaneous Notes PRINT! Writing in cursive can be messy. If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it. Try to print as NEATLY as possible. Always write a rough draft. The final draft should fit INSIDE the box. If you don’t know what a word means (like “symbolize” for instance), then LOOK IT UP!!! Don’t be repetitive. Each sentence should build upon the previous one. Quote accurately. Check spelling carefully. Do not misspell character’s names or other words that are in the text.