1 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento The SWORD project: Planning of SWORD activities for the next six months and beyond Hamburg meeting Autonomous Province of Trento Hamburg, May 18-20, 2015 SWORD (School and WOrk-Related Dual learning) PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI TRENTO
2 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO1: what still remains to do... The intellectual output 1 has been realized approximately up to 80% so far. In order to complete the IO1 - COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS REPORT, the following actions are needed: 1.the Polish partner sends the Regional Report => deadline: 15th June 2015; 2. the Friuli Venezia Giulia partner revises the Regional Report, according to the indications given by Francesco Rubino => deadline: 15th June 2015; 3. all the partners, excluding the partners from Hamburg and Trento, send the Summary Report (15 pages maximum) => deadline: 15th June 2015; 4. PAT finishes the COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS REPORT with the data of Poland and Friuli Venezia Giulia => deadline: 15th July Hamburg, May 2015Provincia Autonoma di Trento
3 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO1: what is needed to conclude it... In order to conclude the Intellectual Output 1, it is important that all the partners respect the deadlines fixed. The COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS REPORT will then be translated in English and, before being sent to ISFOL, will be sent to the partners for their final approval. The report to be approved will be presumably sent to you at the beginning of August. The approval has to be done by 31st August Compared to the original gannt, the activity will be completed two months later. This delay is due to the delay in the signature of the contract which has slowed down some partners' work. Hamburg, May 2015Provincia Autonoma di Trento
4 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO2: Development of a model, schemes and tools for education to labour market transition The development of a model, schemes and tools for education to labour market transition includes the following tasks: O2-A1 shared approach to the transition; O2-A2 tuning of the model, planning and implementing the transition scheme in the different contexts; O2-A3 test of the model. Hamburg, May 2015Provincia Autonoma di Trento
5 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO2: Description (first part) Approach/Model for education to labour market (LM) transition: pathways and tools The Comparative Analysis (IO1) provides the basis for the setting-up of a shared approach/model for school/vocational training to labour market transition. This approach/model must take into account the differences in the various regional contexts (in terms of production, of culture, labour market legislation, etc.), therefore it must be characterised as a flexible approach/model, typified by different pathways and tools, which can be adapted to the different regional contexts. Hamburg, May 2015Provincia Autonoma di Trento
6 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO2: Description (second part) This means the outlining of connection modalities between school/vocational training/labour market with variable components, which include systems of acknowledgement of learning and expertise acquired also through experiences in the work world that integrate with school and training experiences. In order to arrange this approach/model, it will be necessary to organize study visits and comparison pathways in those countries where this model has already been adopted, involving teachers, VET operators and public servants in all this. Hamburg, May 2015Provincia Autonoma di Trento
7 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO2: Task 1 - Shared approach to the transition (first part) The first task is aimed at building a shared approach which, taking into account the various aspects of the transition, can foster the employment opportunities. The tools which can facilitate the school/vocational training to labour market transition are: actions of assistance such as job guidance in the course of studies and training, work-related learning in the sense of school/work turnover, mobility in different contexts; mechanisms for the validation of expertise such as the level of learning in the workplaces and the acknowledgement of expertise anyhow acquired. Hamburg, May 2015Provincia Autonoma di Trento
8 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO2: Task 1 - Shared approach to the transition (second part) In setting up this shared approach, the experiences that some school teachers, VET operators and public servants will have the opportunity to make thanks to the project SWORD, will be taken into account. These study visits will take place in Austria and Germany, countries where the dual learning has been adopted for long time. The study visits will allow the people who operate in the field to rebuild and recognize the fundamental elements of the dual learning model. WHO: Arbeit und Leben with the co-operation of Autonomous Province of Trento, Berufsfoerderungsinstitut, TNOiK. WHEN: from now to 30th November 2015 Hamburg, May 2015Provincia Autonoma di Trento
9 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO2: Task 2 - Tuning of the model, planning and implementation of the transition scheme in the different contexts (first part) The second activity consists of defining specific pathways of approach or transition from school/vocational training to labour market. It is a matter of finding the tools of assistance and validation of expertise which are more suitable to achieve the objective. These pathways of approach may have different features and structures, since they must take into consideration the various contexts where they will be adopted.
10 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO2: Task 2 - Tuning of the model, planning and implementation of the transition scheme in the different contexts (second part) Italy and Poland will have to plan these pathways mainly, whereas Austria and Germany will only have to "revisit them (tune them up)". Each partner, with the coordination of Arbeit und Leben Hamburg, will have to develop the pathways according to situation and context of their country. Responsible for task 2: Arbeit und Leben Hamburg. WHO: All the partners WHEN: from 1 st November 2015 to 31 st August 2016
11 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO3: Task 3 - Test of the model The transition models will be then tested by small groups of subjects.The tests will be conducted both at local and transnational level. On the whole the testing will involve 150 national subjects in transition, 30 of them being in transnational mobility. The aim of the testing is to verify the actual portability of the model. The testing will be monitored and evaluated.The results of the evaluation may give rise to a possible updating of the model. Responsible for task 3: Arbeit und Leben Hamburg. WHO: All the partners will have to test the model in the different contexts WHEN: from 1 st September 2016 to 28 th February 2017
12 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento IO2 : Involvement of partners ManagersResearcher/teacher/trainer PAT2 w/d44 working days A&L-HH2 w/d60 working days BFI-OÖ2 w/d40 working days Tnoik2 w/d40 working days FVG2 w/d30 working days PAB2 w/d30 working days Please remember that for manager staff, we have to ask a special authorisation to the Italian National Agency, since we must demonstrate that their involvement in the project is directly concerned with the development of intellectual outputs. For all the work effort not directly related to Intellectual Outputs, each partner receives a flat rate contribute equal to 250 Euro per month.
13 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento Timetable updated
14 Hamburg, May 2015Francesco RubinoProvincia Autonoma di Trento Thanks for your attention