Erica Duffy Cardiology Patients
Medically supervised program Educational Program Improves health of those with heart disease and other cardiovascular issues
Patients who suffer from: ◦ Heart Disease ◦ Heart Attacks ◦ Strokes ◦ Angina ◦ Heart Failure Patients who have or had: ◦ Pacemakers ◦ Coronary Bypass Surgery ◦ Stenting ◦ Valve Replacements ◦ Coronary Angioplasty
Prevent future hospital stays Recover from heart attack or heart surgery Address risk factors of heart disease such as: High Blood Pressure High Blood Cholesterol Obesity Diabetes Smoking Lack of Physical Activity Cardiac Rehab has Helped us Both!
Cardiac Rehab Team includes: ◦ Doctors ◦ Physical and Occupational Therapists ◦ Nurses ◦ Exercise Physiologist
Click For Video on Cardiac Rehab!
◦ Inpatient ◦ Determine Activities of Daily Living ◦ Exercise Testing ◦ Identifying Safety Risks ◦ Educational classes on Nutrition and Exercise
Nutritional Counseling Stress Management Exercise Program Heart Monitoring
Long Term Maintenance Program Joining a local gym Finding a Personal Trainer Continue Healthy Nutrition Regimen
Patients exercise at 70% of predicted heart rate (70% of 220-years in age) Performed Prior to discharge from hospital Followed by Maximal Testing 6-8 weeks after
Incremental exercise using bike or treadmill Minute to minute breath analysis Measurement of VO2 max and Carbon Dioxide release
Exercise has shown to reduce: ◦ Stress ◦ Coronary Atherosclerosis ◦ Less pressure on artery walls ◦ Decrease in blood pressure ◦ Increase in High Density Lipoproteins
Nutritional Counseling also plays important role by: ◦ Reducing risks of diabetes or diabetes management ◦ Prevention and Management of Obesity ◦ Management of Dyslipidemias
Study found Heart Disease can cause depression Once participation in Cardiac Rehab occurred depressive symptoms went away ◦ Scores went from 16.5 to 14.3
1 st Step: ◦ Internship in 2016 with Cardiac Rehab Facility such as: Virtua Health and Wellness Centers Bacharach Rehab Facility 2 nd Step ◦ Apply To Nursing Schools for the Fall of 2016
Leon, Arthur S., Gary J. Balady, and Paul D. Thompson. "Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease." Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept "Cardiac Rehabilitation." : Overview, History and Definition of, Patient Selection and Risk Stratification. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept "Cardiac Rehabilitation-Frequently Asked Questions." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 27 Sept "What Is Cardiac Rehabilitation?" What Is Cardiac Rehabilitation? N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept "Cardiac Rehabilitation." : Overview, History and Definition of, Patient Selection and Risk Stratification. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept