Charts Charts illustrate data Charts can be created from spreadsheets Three types of charts are: – Bar or Column – Line – Pie
Bar or Column Chart Used to compare individual or sets of values to each other The height of each bar being proportional to its corresponding value
Line Chart Used to show trends since the lines connect points of data Used to show changes over a period of time
Pie Chart Used to show relationship of one set of data to the entire data The size of each wedge represents the percentage that each value adds to the Total
Steps to creating a chart 1) Highlight the data to be charted 2) Click on Chart Icon
Steps to creating a chart 3) Determine the chart type 4) Click Next
Steps to creating a chart 5) Preview your Chart 6) Click Next
Steps to creating a chart 5) Enter your Chart Title and other options 6) Click Next
Steps to creating a chart 7) Create Chart on New Sheet 8) Click Finish