Exodus 1
What determines our actions? Our Convictions or Our Circumstances Proactive or Reactive Respond.React! Think beforeSpeak/Act We speak/ActThen Think Beliefs > Value > Actions
Millineals - Born (LifeWay Research, 2009) 66% identity themselves as Christians 14 % agnostics, 14 % no religious preference 25 % attend weekly religious services 53% disagree that the Bible is the written Word of God and totally accurate in all it teaches. 61% place family as top priority, 25 % friends, 17% education, 16% spouse/partner, 13% religion
90% say their generation should clean the environment. 60% see no problem with same sex marriage. 88% say parents have a positive influence in their lives. 40% say internet is positive influence. 18% say they get guidance from Bible, 24% some influence, 37% none at all.
1. Concerns v. 7-8 Good vs Evil From the eye of the beholder Rationalization “A leader who knew not Joseph” From the Word of God
2. Convenience v Threatened/Attacked “Let us deal shrewdly” Treat with kindness
3. Comfort v Keep our comfort/create conflict Persecution sometimes builds perseverance
4. Compassion? v Selfish/Selfless Self-preserving/serving
5. Conviction! v Fear God Stand firm
6. Commitment v God Honoring God Blessed
7. Confirmed v God provides Enemy attacks