Institutionalization of training module “Integration of SRHR issues into basic social protection services ” Amerhanova Saniya, Acting Professor, Institute of Continuous Distant Education of Bishkek Humanitarian University named after K. Karasaev Bishkek 2015 г.
Main activities Participation in training process of GIZ Regional programme “Health in Central Asia” (2 representatives from ICDE BHU) Discussion at the Chair MiSIT ICDE of the developed training module Signing of an agreement between ICDE BHU and GIZ Regional programme “Health in Central Asia” Inclusion of the training module into the educational plan (as an optional course) Training of students, social work and psychology specilists Creation of training team (volunteer students) Conducting trainings for youth, for first year students of “social work” specialty (the cycle of trainings conducted)
Social work specialists competences (during trainings of a first year students
Results (1) The trainees have changed their attitude to their health, and not only to reproductive health The training team have acquired skills of conducting trainings for different categories of participants
Results (2) The ToT conducted on training skills and reproductive health issues The training team consisting of 17 students (psychology and social work students of the 3 rd and 5 th year) The training “Constituents of health” conducted for youth 71 students of ICDE BHU attended the trainings
Further steps Introduction of training module into the educational plan to “social work” specialty as an optional course Continue training using the developed training module of the 5 th year students of social work and psychology specialty
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