LANDFORMS ★ 1. Bottle analysis The bottle contained sand with traces of limestone and bauxite. There were also traces of gypsum and high-grade ★ 2. Recovered text “This island is beautiful. We can see a bigger island to the southwest and it’s got magnificent mountains.” NOTES: There was an oil smudge on this letter.
PLANT LIFE Bottle analysis There were parts of plants (flora) in the sample. We found leaf fragments from coffee bushes. There was also a piece of sugar cane stalk and skin of a cacao fruit. Recovered text “We have been eating lots of fruit, especially bananas and citrus fruits.” CLIMATE “The weather here is usually hot and humid. It has lots of rain. Between July and November we had two nasty storms with winds over 100 miles per hour! These hurricanes were awful!”
ANIMAL LIFE Bottle Analysis There were fish scales from 3 different fish: great barracuda, a king mackerel, and a longlure frogfish. There were dried pieces of touch- me-not sponge, an endangered species.
We are close to 18° latitude. 18° N