The WORST President EVER To Run America! Kaneisha Mixon 11/3/10 US History
I chose George Bush, not to research him but to remind everyone of how bad of a President he was. I cannot find any good things to say about him, not because it’s not posted online but because I don’t think any of it is legit information. Our country was not the best but he insisted on making matters worse.
Did you know his family and Osama Bin Laden’s family owned an oil company together? I’m sure you didn’t because it was never mentioned in any of his apologies to America after the devastating bombing into the Twin Towers. Also known as 9/11.
He didn’t have any but to make America into a country in which we would abhor to live in. A President is to always have back-up plans, right? Well why was George Bush M.I.A when his country was being attacked and threatened? Nowhere to be found. And how do you explain this 3 year recession? No jobs, high gas prices, and the percentage of poverty growing within his term. How do you explain this disgraceful behavior??? WE NEED ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was the best decision he has ever made. He tried (I guess) but I don’t appreciate it because it only hurt our COUNTRY AS A WHOLE! We can debate all day and night on if George Bush helped or hurt our country, but at the end of the day my opinion will not change. I’ve watched tears hit the floor and bodies as well. There’s nothing that can replace the people that were lost in these tragedies but we can replace the man that made it all happen. Thank GOD for that decision!
So with this all said and done, I’m not trying to change anyone’s outlooks on what he did but I do what to explain to you, from my perspective, of what he did. None of it helped us, but harmed us. On that note, lets welcome BARACK OBAMA to office and wish him the BEST of LUCK while he’s in office. No one can do as worse as George Bush anyway!