Kendra Hunter & Charde Johnson EDUC Dr. M. Kariuki
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is the one technology that you should start to use and it is easy to teach students. Weblogs generate a behind-the-scenes code in a language similar to HTML called XML. RSS is a technology that changes lives. Over the last years, it has became one of the building blocks for personal learning curriculum.
RSS gives users the ability to communicate information to anyone who may be interested in a specific topic. For each post, you have the ability to add your own personal keywords that identifies the content and what it means to you. You can review and select news feeds for customized news portals, enabling students, faculty, and staff to stay abreast of discoveries and developments in their particular area of interest.
This format enables anyone to share their comments, news headlines, links to recent articles, descriptions, and even images. RSS is a move meant to personalize search and offers some interesting opportunities for content discovery. The RSS takes the communication paradigm of one to one messaging one step further
First, you need to set up a mailbox or an aggregator to collect your RSS feeds Google Reader is the most easy, free, and popular one. You do not have to be at your own computer to install this special software Another important aspect of subscribing to RSS feeds is to make sure you come up with an organizational scheme that works for you and your comfort zone.
RSS represents a crucial advance in its emphasis on dynamic content, efficient delivery, and targeted distribution. Google has begun to integrate Google posts, pages, and profiles. Weblog applications equipped to generate an RSS file, like Blogger Pro enables anyone to produce a custom news feed by simply posting your thoughts, ideas, and experiences to an online journal. The move is meant to personalize search and offers some interesting opportunities for content discovery. Having Google Gears allows you to save text of anything that is waiting to be read in your Reader onto your laptop for later reading, online or off.
This can help you when you are ready to start your RSS.
Using RSS in the classroom becomes a personal information filter. Teachers and students can create search feeds for news groups and news (via Google News or Yahoo News) and for websites and blogs that can keep a current flow of information on topics related to class studies, projects, or personal interestsGoogle NewsYahoo News Participating in knowledge networks is crucial for students to develop an awareness of audience, competing values, and diverse perspectives, which, in turn, is essential for learning to write thoughtful and complex responses to and essays on an issue. The combination of blog writing and news feeds helps connect students to one another and to others outside the classroom, creating networks of learning that promote reading, writing, and critical thinking.
With some weblog packages, you can subscribe to feeds that show new comments on the various sites, or even to just certain topics. Weblog software like WordPress and Blogger allow you to import RSS feeds into pages you create for you and your students’ sites.
RSS feeds bring automatically updated information straight to your desktop. You can monitor news, blogs, job listings, personals, and classifieds. To get the most out of newsfeeds, you need a powerful aggregator, though, that lets you organize, search, categorize and use news items just like s